Siege / Voyage of the Revenge / Black Market Marauders / Robin - Cadet Wonder last edited by luphawk on 12/22/22 07:06AM View full history

    1. Siege: (Tomahawk) Tomahawk defends a small settlement from a siege by Native Americans.
    2. Voyage of the Revenge: (Captain Compass)
    3. Captain Tootsie To The Rescue: (Toosie Roll Add)
    4. Black Market Marauders: (Manhunters Around the World) Interpol tracks a black market group that has been stealing Marshall plan food goods shipped into post-war Europe.
    5. Quick Quiz: (4 panels of questions and answers)
    6. Screens Of The East: (text story)
    7. Little Pete: (humor strip by Henry Boltinoff)
    8. Robin - Cadet Wonder: (Robin) Dick Grayson enrolls at Porter Military Academy to investigate why honor students there keep having bad accidents.
    9. Peg: (humor strip by Henry Boltinoff)
    10. Superboy Seys Know Your Country: (Public Service Announcement with Superboy) Clark overhears 3 of his classmate talking about how they were invited to dinner at the home of Sigrid, a new Scandinavian student and they aren't going because the food sounds foreign. changing to superbly he asks them if they are going to Sigrid's, saying he is the guest of honor, and of course, they say they will be there. in the next panel, one of them is saying how good the food is and Superboy reminds the trio not to judge things before they try them and to respect differences in food, languages, customs, and dress because America is a blend of cultures from many lands.

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