
    The Flash 100-Page Giant #4

    The Flash 100-Page Giant » The Flash 100-Page Giant #4 released by DC Comics on July 2020.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    last edited by magicman620 on 11/23/20 08:50AM View full history

    The Flash Giant #4 includes these new stories:

    • "Flash Forward," a 16-page story written by Gail Simone with art by Clayton Henry

    The Flash has arrived in the 25th century to face down the villainous Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash! But what Barry discovers isn't a city in ruins, but a utopia filled with people who can use the Speed Force the same way he does. Can the Flash stop the sinister speedster when he's surrounded by people who would die for him?

    Please note: This story is not related to the Flash Forward miniseries, the epilogue story from The Flash #750, or the expanded version of the epilogue story that will appear in Generation Zero: Gods Among Us.

    • "None of the Time in the World," an 8-page story written by Jay Baruchel with art by Sumit Kumar

    A radioactive beast runs rampant after an explosion at S.T.A.R. Labs. But is it man or monster, and can the Flash calm the creature before it destroys Central City?

    Plus, these reprint tales:

    • "Gorilla Warfare Part 4: Love and Sacrifice," from The Flash #16 (2012)
    • "The Ninth Circle," from Green Arrow #3 (2016)
    • "The Past Is Another Country," from Blue Beetle #4 (2016)

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