The Poet

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CV's Top 100 Superhero Runner Up List 2011

When I was creating the 2011 Top 100 Superhero List, I was provided with 160 character nominations. To narrow the list down to 100, 60 characters had to be removed. These are those 60 with their nomination reasons.

People who Voted:

  • Jekylhyde14
  • Turok
  • Pikminmania
  • Chalkshark
  • Aztek the lost
  • Gambit1024
  • Bearded Justice
  • IrishX
  • Liberty
  • Pikahyper
  • Silkcuts
  • jhazzroucher
  • The Dark Huntress
  • Haydenclaireheroes
  • Jnr6Lil
  • SC
  • Baddamdog
  • Trodorne
  • Revamp

Total voted: 19

Total Characters nominated: 151 (please note: most people Nominated the same characters)

Helped fix the 11 way tie for the last 4 slots:

  • TheShepherder
  • teoP_ehT
  • The Impersonator

Please note: the list is ordered by number of votes characters got (from least amount to Greatest).

I really wish I had room on the 100 list for All of these, but this is my tribute to these characters...

List items

  • Before anyone laughs, I should let you know that Tarzan has been in a lot of comic books. The original Tarzan series actually lasted from 1948 all the way to 1977! That is over 20 years of Tarzan goodness. His books became so poopular that Marvel and DC both bought it and Tarzan even got his own Manga. The Tarzan comic strip began in 1929, making it older than Superman or even The Lone Ranger!

  • Far ahead of it's time it would be an Awesome Movie, and remains an incredibly underrated series and character

  • Johnny Alpha was created by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra for Starlord a short lived fortnightly anthology comic that could be aimed at a “more mature” audience, after 22 issues it was merged into 2000 AD. Johnny Alpha is a Strontium Dog, a Mutant Time Traveling Bounty Hunter, he along with his sidekick Wulf Sternhamme (a Viking that was accidentally brought into the 22nd century) travel through time and scouring a Nuclear ravaged uk for his bounties. Johnny is a character that represents your wishes to stand up and fight for your rights. In his world being a Mutant rarely gets you some fantastical powers, instead you get thrown into a ghetto and are regarded less than human. Johnny isn’t just some freedom fighter, he has a depth that make you ask yourself “is he truly good?” Johnny’s reasoning can be as fascistic as Dredds, but there is still that existence of goodness inside him that fans have always resonated with.

  • mainly been a bad ass but not much outside of that.

  • Legendary Hunter and considered leader of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. One of the major reason writers are now looking into public domain characters.

  • Another every man type character that had greatness thrust upon him, while making the best of the situation he has to come to terms with his new role in life while forgetting about everything he left behind.

  • How could you not love this detective? Every thing about his comic screams awesome. The bright colors, great cast of villains, and overall coolness of Dick is one of the reasons why people still remember Dick Tracy. The award winning Warren Beatty movie based on Dick Tracy didn't hurt his popularity either. If that wasn't enough, Dick Tracy has brought inspiration and parodies to a variety of famous tv shows and comic books, including The Tick and Looney Tunes.

  • the ultimate adrenaline junkie babe who has made quite a name for herself in the comic book world, thanks to some amazing creators like Adam Hughes and Michael Turner behind her

  • Flame, Samson and Blue Beetle were the Big 3. The Flame coming out only two months after Batman, and three months before the Jim Hammond Human Torch. So let's put it in perspective. The Flame could control the heat and size of fire as a superpower. He used a hand held flame thrower in this manner. He could also teleport to any place that had fire. He would quite often appear in the midst of a nemesis' darkest and most protected lair from a simple match being struck. Bullets would vaporize before even getting to him. Flame was also the man. Winning the hearts of women he rescued. Not just Lois Lane for example. Flame also had the Flame Boat, Car and Plane. The Flame also had a sidekick but not a little boy. Instead Flame Girl was a full grown woman. She was more of an equal. Especially for 1941.

  • If Mr. Freeze didn’t have to wear a containment suit and he ran a secret organization that controlled the world, then you’d have Elijah Snow. This character’s powers definitely match his personality. Even though the use of ice powers is not something new, Snow’s character never let that stop him from coming up with some creative ways to use them against people. But more than that, it’s Elijah’s mind that most people are really scared of. You never know what he’s thinking.

  • According to the history books, the golden age version of this character was one of the first superheros to die in a comic! Now THAT is an accomplishment worthy of a spot on this list!

  • Despite Fawcett's general lack of creativity in making characters, Freddy has a long publication history, was at a time among the most popular comic book characters in existence. Since joining DC his exploits are not as monumental but he is still around and has been a member of the Teen Titans

  • One thing I found interesting of this character was he was a jazz musician. interesting character but his stories got too dark for me.

  • A beautifully classic costume design( which DC keeps f***ing up every time they recreate the character), a great set of super-powers, a suitably preposterous origin, & he can travel within a shaft of light. I'm not ashamed to admit it... I love The Ray. I wish DC did, too.

  • Alan Moore’s female silhouette character reimage. Alan Moore has been criticized for his pornography. Cobweb is a character where he and his wife Melinda Gebbie played on woman’s ability to sell sex. Cobweb would be shown many times in visual silhouettes that would classically as sexy for pulp.

  • Another Golden Age hero revived by AC, He was originally a Harry A. Chesler hero

  • A dead boy, taken to soon, is given the opportunity to live out the years he rightfully should have had, & as a consolation prize for the mix-up, he's given the ability to call forth any literary, historical, or mythological figure to aid him in doing good deeds. DC Comics clearly doesn't know what to do with him, allowing Kid Eternity to lapse into obscurity. It's a real shame, too. You could literally tell any kind of story with a high concept character like Kid Eternity.

  • Rogue is a GI (Genetic Infantrymen) created by the Southers to fight the Norts on Nu-Earth. After “the Traitor General” causes the Quartz zone massacre, Rogue and his Dog-chip infused gear (Bagman, Gunnar and Helm) hunt the Traitor down over four years. Rogue Trooper is a story that’s strength comes from the way details are slowly told to us, after the initial info-dump we are told little over its four year run. Instead we figure out what little we do learn of Rogue’s past from the details of a war torn world.

  • From the people who brought you Captain Marvel, I present to you a very unique character! forget Bat Man, Fly man is our hero!

  • Young Kevin Green becomes Prime by projecting an organic 'liquid flesh' material from his torso to become the Ultraverse's most powerful Hero.

  • Fantomah was the first female superhero and should be on the list for that alone. That is right the first female superhero. The first! What you might say? I thought is was Wonder Woman? Nope, she first appeared in December 1941. Was it the Phantom Lady? No again, she first appeared in August of 1941. Well it has to be Ma Hunckle she has been around forever. Well, that might be true but she did not become a superhero until November 1940. Lady Luck? Sorry, June 1940. Well then it has to be the Woman in Red. I mean she came out in March 1940. Yes, yes she did but Fantomah came out one month earlier in February of 1940. You may or may not like Fantomah but give her the respect due and vote for her on this alone. Fantomah was an ancient Egyptian princess who was a beautiful woman living as the protector of Africa. Fantomah was omnipotant. She could take out Superman with a thought, and would if motivated. Remember when lame-o Superboy/man-Prime took out all the DC heroes because anyone that could actually do something was oddly missing? Fantomah could have taken him out like a poo through a goose. Fantomah was creative as well like having men being sucked into the ground and haveing lions literally rain down from the sky to attack para-shooters.

  • Maybe he's not a hero in the traditional sense but there's not many I'd rather have on my side than Marv. Despite his violent ways there is a code of morals that he does follow. In Frank Miller's Sin City story The Hard Goodbye Marv is willing to sacrifice himself in order to bring justice and revenge to the true evil in Kevin and Cardinal Rourke. One of the toughest and baddest sob's to be in comics even when they give him the electric chair he takes it and responds with... "that the best you can do? you pansies?"

  • Say what you want about Dave Sim’s politics (I’m not a fan of them either), but he did something brilliant with Cerebus. He gave us a cynical review of the history of western civilization using an aardvark parody of Conan the Barbarian. Cerebus himself is more than meets the eye, though. Yes, he’s a barbarian who cynically believes that life is struggle and battle and that anyone who tells you different is selling something. If you look at his life arc, though, he starts off as an ambitious conqueror; becomes a tool of the state; turns bitter and hateful; wins all his greatest victories; and retires a pudgy, cranky old man. Basically, Cerebus is the journey of the male ego through western civilization. All young men start off as ambitious conquerors and, if we’re lucky, we go out tired and stuffy. Well done, Dave.

  • Another Top AC character she is AC's version of the Public Domain character originally published by Fox in the Golden Age

  • In truth the Unknown Soldier was a single man in the original comics but in reality he was the embodiment of every unknown soldier of wars past, the history books may be filled with the names of fighting men who accomplished greatness but you don't always read or hear about the nameless grunts that sacrificed themselves to complete a mission or save a fellow soldier. Every issue the Unknown Soldier appeared in reminds the readers that while we don't always know the names of these heroes we will always know what they have done for generations to come.

  • Yet another Female Golden Age Public Domain Character revived by AC this one originally published by Harry A. Chesler

  • Carl is the son of the Rick Grimes, the main protagonist from Robert Kirkman's masterpiece The Walking Dead. It's no secret that his is my all time favorite ongoing title and Carl is by far the best character of the series. Starting the series at only the age of 8 Carl has since gone through more drama than any full grown adult should have to face. From having his mother and newborn baby sister killed before his eyes to actually losing one of his own eyes, Carl is still the most sane character of the book.

  • Personally I believe that the Ballard of Halo Jones is the best work that Alan Moore has to this day produced. Comic books as a whole are worse off because this series never got past its third book. So what makes Halo Jones such a special character? Nothing. She is just a normal girl who wants to escape from her life. Moore is able to effortlessly create a character that is so relate-able and real, that we fully are able to understand her reasoning behind what she does without having to be told.

  • Sonic the Hedgehog is one of the most unique characters on this list. Though originally from a video game, his story was expanded in comic book form by Archie comics so now there is a whole Sonic Universe...I'm not lying, there is a title called Sonic Universe! Sure he might seem a bit more animated, but assentally he is the blue hedgehog version of the Flash, but way cooler! this speedster has fought for the lives of man and human kind several times over and continues to do so into a new decade!

  • An Immortal warrior named Lukasz has his soul put in a Woman's body, Gaining various mystic powersin the process.

  • This guy represents how any of us can be a hero, and how through uncompromising odds, the love for our family will keep us going, even if it takes us down the darkest paths.

  • Chuck Dixon gave Eclipse a legacy link to the Golden Age with his revamp of Airboy. The original heroes’ son takes the mantle and continues the fight against forces that threaten the world. He even dates his good, old dad’s cryogenically frozen girlfriend (talk about awkward). He’s definitely my favorite aviation hero.

  • The original living weapon. If there's any justice in this world, this character will be revived in a Vertigo series as a psychological espionage thriller that explores the American military/industrial complex, our cultural love of weapons, & the deep isolation a man who can't touch anything without destroying it would have to feel.

  • I really love Jane. In Grant Morrison’s run on Doom Patrol, we see her go through the stages of coming to terms with the sexual abuse perpetrated by her father and her own schizophrenia. Everything about Jane comes off as real and fragile to me. The fact that she can only seem to get close to a man who can’t love her physically (Robotman) is fitting. Her Scarlet Harlot personality is the stage when she starts to believe that she deserved what her father did to her so she becomes aggressive and lewd to take power over it. She’s arguably the most capable member of that Doom Patrol since she seemed to solve most of their major problems. Then there’s the final issue of Morrison’s run which… Well, just read my review. Crazy Jane is a beautiful, unique character in comics and deserves to be on this list.

  • The Half-ogre Dragonslayer who is the unstoppable force on the Top 10 Police roster.

  • A slightly superpowered Batman type who's powers require that he never sleep

  • unless you're a die hard fan of G.I. Joe then chances are you have no idea who this is and he won't make the list, but he's still cool!

  • A relatively recent character and member of the Green Lantern Corps. She brings a maturity and intelligence to the role of a female character which is less common in comics. Major player in some of the biggest crossovers as of later (Sinestro Corps War, Blackest Night)

  • She is almost like Alan Moore’s Barbarella. She is a strong female lead in a futuristic setting. Moore would play upon the space pulp feel with Jonni at times being compromising in ways that would remind some Wildstorm readers of Catlin Fairchild.

  • A unique thinking muck monster, that melts people and cannot be killed

  • The only Dell comic book character that survived for quite a long time back in the 1940's, Midnight also is in more comics than the other costumed characters published by Dell.

  • not much to say on him myself. only know from his own bio.

  • Invasion! originally ran from 2000AD Progs 1-51, it was the story of the then future of 1999 where the Volgan's People's Republic (Russia) has conquered all of Europe and the UK. Bill was a truck driver that only began his war on the Volgans when his family were killed as collateral damage from a tank shell. Bill’s savagery and merciless killing volgans caught attention of the British resistance and he quickly rose up their ranks. When Invasion! ended in Prog 51 American citizens had been killed and we were lead to believe that the USA would liberate Europe as a result. We had our happy ending (of sorts), However in 2004 it was decided by Editor Matt Smith and original writer Pat Mills to bring Bill back in a contemporary story. It was revealed that the USA decided against invasion and this has turned Bill into a more grimmer and generally sociopathic man. He created the Free European Army (FEAR) and has been used to show the other side of terrorism in a post-9/11 world. Bill Savage has become a deeper character, but I wouldn’t expect less from Pat Mills.

  • unlikely hero in a colourful world, bringing a new definition to what a hero is...

  • Unlike most other female detectives, Ms. Tree can hold her own with Dick Tracy, Mike Hammer, and all the other best hard-boiled gum shoes. She can use deductive reasoning or a carefully aimed shot to solve a problem. She also didn’t shy away from controversial issues or the grim cases. Her character was so charming she was picked up by many different publishers after Eclipse went under.

  • Son of a Crime Lord, Nick lone battles crime as Solitaire and has a super healing factor.

  • Alan Moore’s Homage to Will Eisner’s The Spirit, by recreating the spirit of the way Eisner’s The Spirit played with shapes in the environment, Alan Moore would again push sequential narratives. Most famously with the Greyshirt tale in the Tomorrow Stories #2 "How Things Work Out;” which was a mulit-decade tale in which the story could be read horizontally across and vertically down.

  • Mighty Mouse: Mighty Mouse was the first real animal superhero and is arguably the greatest. He was the first major animal superhero, predating such greats as Krypto the Superdog and Underdog. Heck, Mighty Mouse did everything an animal hero could do first. Super Stength and flight? Sorry Krypto, Mighty Mouse did it first. Damsel in distress? Underdog, eat your heart out. Somewhat Public Domain? Not even close, Hoppy the Marvel Bunny. Heck, Mighty Mouse was even the first animal to parody The Dark Knight Returns, a whole 10 years before Darkwing Duck no less! As you can see, Mighty Mouse deserves to be on the Top 100 for those reasons alone.

  • Topaz was a warrior Queen from the extradimensional matriarchal realm and a member of Ultraforce

  • Tharg is the editor of 2000AD, rarely appearing in actual strips he instead has the benefit of 34 years of letters pages and nerve centres of character development. He might not have that same amount of character development that other 2000AD characters do, but instead his arrogance and love of a thrill has made the letter sections too scrotnig to be true.

  • Who is Rulah you ask? Well Rulah is an aviator who crashes in Africa. The crash was so bad it destroyed all her clothing. Interested yet? She then makes a modest outfit out of the skin of a dead giraffe. As she survives alone in the wilderness she sees a tribe of Africans who were being manipulated by an evil Queen Nurla. She also kills a striking Cobra by stabbing it in the head mid strike. Nurla would send Africans to their death. Not being deterred Rulah saves the tribe from her manipulation. She then saves the tribe from a man eating leopard with nothing more than a crude knife. At this point she is made Queen of the tribe thus getting the name Rulah. What makes her a superhero you ask? Well Rulah eventually gets a chance to go home and chooses to stay in Africa and becomes the protector of all those who live there. Please vote for Rulah. She is more than deserving.

  • While not as well known or popular as his father Korak also defended his jungle home from whatever dangerous he came across. Korak's introduction brought the adventures of Tarzan to a whole new generation and while Korak's popularity has faded he helped keep his father from being fogotten.

  • Not only was the Destroyer Duck series done by two of my favorite creators, Steve Gerber and Jack “King” Kirby, but it was also done to spite Marvel Comics. Gerber was in the middle of a lawsuit with Marvel over the ownership of Howard the Duck who Gerber created in the early 70’s. The Destroyer Duck series was written to raise funds to continue this lawsuit. The plot of the book even reflected the main grudge of the court case. Destroyer Duck was out to get vengeance for his little buddy who was killed by an evil corporation. Destroyer Duck acted as a gun-toting antihero for Eclipse and an effective protest against the two-company domination of the comic book industry.

  • Alec Swan has a special gun and no powers, a great great series

  • A female version of Prime with a sword and sorcery twist

  • Now kind of a joke, but at the same time the ability for a goat to successfully teleport anywhere is a great feat and take much intelligence to do so. and im always a fan of the supporting characters.

  • Why should Amy Rose be on this list of Heroes? You know, I asked that exact question, however as the user did not respond to me, I think I'll try my poetic hand...For one thing, Amy has helped save the world once or twice. Sure, she doesn't wear tights (least I don't think so), but in her own way she has saved the world in addition to the universe a few times along side Sonic. Though a little agressive and WAY obbsessed with Sonic (beyond creepy), Amy is a hero in her own right.

  • Larry Marder’s Tales of the Beanworld is so underrated and unknown that it’s not even fair. Its main character, Beanish, is an artist who makes his living in the surreal garden of Beanworld by using the four realities (or the four most common shapes used in Beanworld’s art) to create his “Look See Shows.” The series is a fun meditation on artistic creation and the importance of imagination. Beanish was probably the most unique character to be published by Eclipse and the imprint would have been poorer without him.

  • When a space station crashes on a deathworld (quite literally a planet that tries to kill those on it) Zombo the half-human half-zombie is forced to try and get the passengers off the planet safely. Most of them die, some by Zombo’s hands, but the fun of Zombo comes from seeing the thinly veiled digs at Russell Brand, Simon Cowell and Donald Trump (president of the world) die in fun and creative ways. Oh and at the end of the Zombo Vs Obmoz (the anti-zombo) Zombo is reincarnated as a planet. That type of fun is what makes Zombo worthy of a place on this list.

  • Meant to do him earliar, but once again. great support character who raised magnus, without people like him there would be no classic characters like magnus to date.


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The Impersonator


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Edited By turoksonofstone

Nice! Sad to see Fantomah did not make the main list even though she is Awesome I imagine most on the Vine must know little or nothing about her and her role in comics history. Aside from that glaring injustice it's sweet.

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The Poet


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Edited By The Poet  Moderator

@turoksonofstone said:

Nice! Sad to see Fantomah did not make the main list even though she is Awesome I imagine most on the Vine must know little or nothing about her and her role in comics history. Aside from that glaring injustice it's sweet.

yeah, she got 9 votes, I'm afraid...

Well, I can say that after this project I know more characters than I did before

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Edited By turoksonofstone
@The Poet:  
No shame in being more knowledgeable. 
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Edited By jubilee042

okay i hardly know most of the characters(stupid me)

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Edited By jhazzroucher

How i wish Tarzan made it to the top 100. : ( same feeling goes to Sonic and Lara Croft. : (

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Edited By kfhrfdu_89_76k

I`m glad that you made a "left over"-list too, `cause I wanted to know what the nomination reasons for them were.