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    Ulic qel droma has hired Hoggon to transport him to a place, where he shall find solitude to live out his days. He is now blinded to the Force and seeks to flee from his past mistakes, hoping that history will forgive him.  
    Hoggon takes him to Yavin 4, the fourth moon in the Yavin system, a place crowded with fauna. Hoggon says that this place was devastated 10 years ago, during the Sith Wars, a time when Exar Kun ruled. But he was betrayed by a man named Ulic qel droma, the result of which led to the downfall of the Sith empire.  
    Upon landing, Ulic feels familiar ground beneath his feet. But his hoped for solitude are not fulfilled. Though the planet is now population free, the ghosts still linger. Ulic sees the disappointed face of his dead brother, and knows that this will not be the right place for him. He tells Hoggon to take him elsewhere.  
    Upon Ryloth, homeworld of the Twi'leks, a heat storm is rising, destroying everything in its path. The local Jedi, Tott Doneeta command the people to find shelter in the crevasses. He confronts the storm, using his Force to fight it. But the storm is too big for a single man. It goes over him. 
    Later, after the storm has passed, the locals find Tott. The left side of his face is burnt, but he still wants to attend the Jedi Convocation on Exis.
    Exis Station. Nomi Sunrider has called a convocation of the Jedi. Her daughter, Vima Sunrider is receiving the guests. She sees Master Thon and moves forward to greet him. Sylvar and her friends come in soon after. The miners complain that the gathering of the Jedi is causing mining problems. 
    Late, Nomi Sunrider starts speaking. She speaks about the war, their fallen friends. But she says that they also have a duty to protect the future. Master Thon is pleased with Nomi's words, while Sylvar thinks of Ulic. 
    Vima is not impressed with her mother giving speeches all the time. She slips out and goes to the ship bay. Unseen, she grabs a ship and pilots it outside the station, behind a fleet of other mining ships. But she breaks formation quickly, and her carelessness ends her in the star's magnetic loop. She escapes from the ship in an escape pod but that too starts falling into the sun. Luckily, Tott Doneeta arrives in his ship and grabs her pod. 
    Nomi thanks Tott and chides Vima for making such brash decisions. Vima counters her, telling that she deserves to be trained by Nomi. 
    Hoggon takes Ulic to Rhen Var, a deserted icebound planet. He shows Ulic some of the remaining houses. Ulic tells him that this place will suit him nicely.


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