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Average score of 254 user reviews

Need 0

Recommended!We all knew that the introduction of Eldrac in the last issue meant that our gang of heroes would be sent exactly where the needed to be. This plot device was used in a very clever way - as a reader, I was intrigued as to where each of them would be sent; as a creative team, they got to decide what was most important for the series: Family or War. In my opinion, they made the correct decision - family puts the foundation in FF.This issue was really a "rally the troops, this is going ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

I'll just go play with the dog. 0

Recommended!Another fantastic battle book! So much action and so many plot twists! This is a definite must read for the series and the ongoing story arc(s). The writing and the art really make it easy to follow the story-line(s) - not an easy task with this many characters and plot streams.From the last issue, everything keeps moving forward. Doom gets to "doom-out"; Reed, Spider-Man and Nathaniel arrive on Attilan (their part in the battle was interrupted by an unexpected transport by Medusa an...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Homecoming 0

Recommended!All the Black Bolt back-story has resulted in this... an Inhuman homecoming. They arrive on the scene (Forever City) as the remaining three "Reeds" "discuss plans" with Mole Man and the horde of evolved monsters.Elsewhere, Sue is dealing with some trust issues as a result of finding out about the "Reeds"; Doom and the other "mega-minds" prepare to go into battle with Reed and family, doubling the size, power and unpredictability of team Future Foundation; and Val is grounded.An unlik...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Silent Awakening 0

Recommended (if you liked the last one and want to inevitable conclusion to the two-issue deviation from the FF series main plot)This was one of the most “silent” issues to date. It makes sense, as it is all about our silent sentinel, Black Bolt. We see his story of resurrection and awakening. It is clear that this issue was supposed to set a specific "tone" for the Inhumans/Kree plot stream, as a part of the overall series. It does indeed set that tone, but I believe you have to look at this an...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

One, Singularity Sensation... 1

Highly Recommended!It is amazing how BIG this arc feels, and yet it is not a major Marvel Event. It has all the makings of the next Annihilation type event, but it packed neatly into the Fantastic Four and FF titles. Not that I am complaining, they will probably be able to get a lot more into these series than if they had to dilute the content across seven books and twenty tie-ins.The plot progression in this story was great - it is definitely not a filler issue. We see some great things from ea...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Now. Where were we? 2

Recommended!All the various plot streams are beginning to converge. Gladly, we see a lot more Thor and less Tanarus in this issue. I never really liked how the "replacement" of the Thunder God was handled, and I am glad that it will soon be at an end. In this issue we also see a very telling confrontation between Tanarus and Heimdall; while it was not exactly what is depicted on the cover, it did set the stage for the truth to be revealed.As a big Silver Surfer fan, it was nice to see more of hi...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The Darkness and the Ghost 1

Recommended!Both stories in this issue of All Star Western delivered suspense, drama, action and violence, the likes of which we have come to expect out of this series. We see both character development and devolution as each deals with increased hardship. I believe this book will leave you both satisfied with regards to plot progression and a desire to pick up its next installment. I know I am eager to find out what's next!The Darkness - A great continuation on this multi-issue arc. As expected...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The Stolen and the Avenged 0

Recommended!The Stolen - In this issue we gain a bit more insight into Jonah's character. Up to this point, the good doctor has pointed out that he is on the brink of madness, with few things in this world to ground him. He abides by a law of his own devising and sticks to a loosely fit moral code. I think this ongoing story is a great way to see him close up, fighting his own demons, as well as struggling to fit in with the world around him. It elegantly mixes severely dark undertones with humo...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The Bounty and the Sacrifice 0

Recommended!The Bounty - This picks up right from the cliffhanger in the last issue - and Jonah is in a heap of trouble! This day was not a good day for him to die, and so the plot moves on. There is much more death, much more blood and a bit more suspense. In the end, Jonah is presented with just what he has been looking for since arriving in old Gotham. Classically, he provides a cordial introduction...The Sacrifice - This story picks up right where it ended in the last issue. El Diablo will u...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The Damned and the Cursed 0

Recommended!The Damned - This picks up right where the last issue left off. The mood hasn't changed on bit - Jonah knows what needs to be done, and the good doctor still seems ignorant of the real danger. There are very few pleasantries exchanged in this issue, as it is mostly action and violence. As I am new to this book, and the artist, I am not sure if I should mention how some of the art seemed unfinished. I cannot quite tell if that is a style or evidence of rushed work.Either way, this sto...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Targets and Opportunities 0

Highly Recommended!This was my first "New 52" book. It came highly recommended, so I figured I would check it out. I love gritty old west dramas like Hell on Wheels and Deadwood, so how could I go wrong? Guess what? This book certainly lived up to the hype! It was fantastic. The characterization of Jonah Hex was perfect for the anti-hero role he plays. I love how it is set in 1800s Gotham and how well known family names are sprinkled in to give it a place in continuity. I felt the art was a grea...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Five Queens for the One King 0

Recommended!While this issue was mostly confusing, if you sit with it, read it a second time, let it sink in, you may get a feeling for what the creative team was attempting to do - write the history of the Inhumans. The story of ancient destruction, as brought on by the Supreme Intelligence and the Accusers is one that has been told through the ages: Kill everyone who is a threat, either now or thousands of years from now.It is interesting that this didn't make it into a Point One issue. While ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

You're Not My Reed 0

Recommended!This issue picks up where the last left off. All the plot paths continuing as expected. The Old Atlantis does get feel rushed, but the point is made - the Reeds will stop at nothing to accomplish their goals.We see a lot more character development. Ben is still dealing with the loss of Johnny (and apparently is written to be the only one heavily affected). The "meeting of the minds" is interrupted so that Reed can figure out what happened to Sue, Peter and Alex, while the villains ha...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Vegetables 0

Recommended!It takes a while, but we have the glint of action on the horizon. It is nothing like what the cover would have you believe, but there is some action at the end, nonetheless. Be warned, it is the end you have to wait for, if you are looking for the action, as this book starts out in the kitchen. Crust or no crust, is the question - Spidey decides he will shake things up this time and go sans-crust. As a whole, we learn far too much about sandwich preferences.Elsewhere, the meeting of ...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Ends of the Earth 0

Recommended!This issue was both a refresher and convergence of plot streams. We see various members of the team travel all over the world to gather a group of super-intelligent characters - many of them foes to the FF - not that sides have mattered much as of late. Val has gathered all these fine gentlemen in one place for one reason - to deal with the Reed Richards problem.Once gathered, Val tells the story of how she "found all those yous," referring to her father. She goes on to say that four...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Not. In. The. House. 0

Recommended!No one likes the idea of Doom joining the "Club"... well except maybe Valeria, her father and her Grandfather. Everyone else seems pretty weary. Ben gets more clobbering time in this issue than he has in a while... which may be nice, if he wasn't ruining all the fine amenities of the Baxter Building.What really impressed me in this issue was Sue. She is SO different than she was in the original series 50 years ago - it is well deserved. in my opinion, she has the potential to be the ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Pouring the Foundation 0

Recommended!While I did jump in at Fantastic Four #600, I decided it might be a good idea to step back and take a look at the FF series (a much more attainable near-term goal than trying to read hundreds of Fantastic Four back issues). Obviously, this issue picks up after the infamous Fantastic Four 588, so I knew why Johnny was missing - but beyond that my mind and expectations were wide open. Needless to say, I didn't have much of a clue (outside what I could glean from four line intro page) w...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Fire Reigns 0

Recommended!Coming off the heels of the 100-page, 50th Anniversary, issue 600, issue 601 had a lot to live up to. I am not too sure why Ben too center stage on the cover - as to possibly not give the well known "spoiler" away... I believe the very powerful image of Johnny with the Cosmic Control Rod would have been a better choice. It certainly was the focus of the issue, anyway.That is the only problem I had for this issue (if you could call it one). I thought it did a great job of picking up f...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A Universe Away 0

Highly Recommended!I have A LOT of Fantastic Four catching up to do, but I did not have time to do it (just yet), so I thought I would jump in with this issue 600 and take it from there. I do plan on going back and reading 500-588, probably within the coming month.That said, I really thought this issue was well suited fro long time Fantastic Four fans and new readers alike. A warning to new readers - you will want to get a foundation on the Fantastic Four, their relationship to the Marvel Univer...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Not in Westchester Anymore 0

I picked this and the rest of this mini-series up so that I could get caught up with the current state of affairs for the X-Men. I know the results of Schism, so I was going into this with more information than most. The good news is, I do not know what happened during the event, so I will have fresh eyes when I get to that part of the series.The only other X-Titles I have read so far are Magneto: Not A Hero and Uncanny X-Force, so a lot of this issue was new to me. I have heard plenty of compla...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Amazing Consequences 0

Highly Recommended!This was my first venture into reading any Spider-Man series. I picked up this collection because it included the 654.1 issue were we learn about the "new" Venom. I was told that this issue was "required reading" for the current ongoing Venom series. From what I can tell, that makes a lot of sense.I believe this collection (ASM 652-657) is a FANTASTIC set of issues. I didn't feel overwhelmed by jumping in at #652, as there was plenty of background in the dialog. Sure, I felt a...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Unclench, Control. 0

Not Necessary.In fact, it may confuse you.Don't get me wrong, it was a tidy little self-contained story, but it left me confused as how it links in with the actual Villains For Hire mini-series. We see Misty Knight, as Control, of the good guys. It is nothing like what we have come to expect from the actual Villains for Hire mini. That said, it does end in the way we would expect - with Purple Man and Headhunter prepping for their version (the original version) of the "for Hire" idea.Somehow eve...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Omniversal Anomaly 5

Highly Recommended!It is not often that I read a comic and I have no idea where it is headed. Because I know this series can take surprising turns, I am not quite sure of Fantomex's fate at this point. All I do know is that he has been taken, charged with premeditated homicide and judged by a very partial jury. We all know what he did had to be done, but it looks as though these Otherwold folks have their own agendas and preconceived notions.Besides the abductions and the trial, this book has a ...

8 out of 9 found this review helpful.

Requiem for a Sentinel 0

Highly Recommended!This is one of those stories that you don't want to think about, but as you read it, you know what has to happen, why it has to happen, and in the end, you are left in awe. This was one of the first "modern" Silver Surfer collections I ever read. It threw me off, mentally and emotionally. The art fits the tone of the writing. Everything about this story is solemn. The interactions are heartfelt. You see Galactus as you never have - the emotions were palpable. For everything th...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Sacrifice for the Masses 0

Highly Recommended!Welcome to an unfamiliar world. Superheroes do not exist. The world is full of curious, yet god-fearing people, looking towards the stars. Then, the unthinkable happens - a spaceship lands and, "Earth will never be the same again." Some take advantage of this grand new mystery, fitting it into their religious dogma to control the masses. Many are simply to scared to think - they just listen to the news of this mighty "GALACTUS". The world is in an uproar, riots and fear grip t...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Shining and Perfect 0

Highly Recommended!This was a long overdue Silver Surfer/Norrin Radd story. It was great to see him have his own title, even if it was only a five issue mini-series. The art in this mini-series was great. Full of bright and vibrant colors; the images really shined off the page. That may have had something to do with the fact the trade was printed on glossy paper, but still. The concepts were groundbreaking for this character. The High Evolutionary really takes Silver Surfer's transformation to a...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

An X-Force to be reckoned with 0

THE GOODBefore this book, I didn't know anything about X-Force. I collected some of the issues in the 90's, but never read them. The only characters on the teams I knew anything about were Wolverine and Deadpool, and that was mostly from movies and cartoons. I knew these were characters were different, I just didn't know how much - and I LOVED the difference. :)This was the first X-Title I have ever read. It came so highly recommended, I just couldn't turn the opportunity down. I picked up the t...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Low Gravity 0

THE GOODI loved how this issue started out. Because was a completely novice X-Book reader, I had forgotten about many of the tricky devices used to mislead the reader (not in a bad way). It certainly made its point, I was surprised, having a constant compulsion to turn the page and read on...After reading this, I wanted to start reading Deadpool. His character in this is just so damned entertaining. In fact, each of the characters has their own draw, but Deadpool is my favorite.I also continue t...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Horsemen Revealed 0

THE GOODI loved how they introduced the origins of the final horsemen. It was very well done and added a lot of great background for the story and characters. The reveal of how this information was being displayed was haunting. It had a very Matrix or Source Code feel to it.I enjoyed how powerful each of the horsemen was portrayed. Most of them were not actually as powerful as they appeared, but I was sold by what I saw on the pages as the story unfolded - regardless of how much misdirection was...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Apocalypse Solved 0

THE GOODEverything. This issue does not disappoint. We pick up right where we left off, each of the team trying to get to Apocalypse, battling the horsemen, save each other.One of the more disturbing, but fantastically illustrated parts is where Deadpool is nursing Archangel back to life. A true WTF moment, if I have ever seen one. Then, we get to witness one of the best misdirections Fantomex has ever created - really starting to see his true potential.The pairings in this issue are great. I lo...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Weapon Infinity 0

THE GOODHow do you follow an arc like the Apocalypse Solution? By rolling directly into another arc, that's how. The problem with this is, it can feel rushed. This issue didn't necessarily feel rushed, but it did feel like it spent more time with Fantomex back story, than setting up the next arc. At least that is what it looked like. Once you read through the issue, and maybe even look back at some of the earlier parts, everything starts to make sense. The Fantomex back story is the setup for th...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Program... 0

THE GOODOverall, this was a great book. I liked the art, though it usually isn't my favorite style, it fit nicely with the story line. I am usually not a fan of stories that start in the future and then say, "One Hour Earlier...", but in this book, it worked. Mostly because the first page was used as a shocking plot device - what is more terrifying than a powerful villain with adamantium talons for hands? It set the tone for the rest of the book very nicely.I just get so excited whenever my favo...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Kill the Future 0

THE GOODThis is a great issue! What I loved at the end of the last issue was not knowing which way the tide was going to turn. All we knew was that the original Deathlok was on the scene. This issue took me in a direction I was not expecting - which was exactly what I wanted.I found it interesting that the Cyborg-Avengers and Cyborg-X-Force resemble characters possessed by the Carnage Symbiote. Now that would be an interesting future - Dealthlok Symbiote Characters... I am sure the US Military i...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Requiem for a Nation 0

THE GOODThis issue was fantastic. I was a great and gritty end to the Deathlok Nation arc. Not only do we get a great addition to the arc, but to the series and its characters as well. We keep learning new things about the characters as they make their way through these various uncanny adventures. I love it.I really like how the team organically comes together and splits up as needed. It is as if the abilities automatically dictate the best pairing. I realize it is the writing and the plot that ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Caged Animals 0

THE GOODI REALLY liked the story. I had a bit of everything, and for a non-arc story, it was solid and kept me engaged. Hot off the heels of Deathlok Nation, the team is back at the X-Cavern recooperating. Deathlok gets a tour, Wolverine is running Ops, Angel and Psylocke continue to attempt the impossible - controlling Archangel. All this AND we get a very interesting and exciting mission to take on the Shadow King.The psychic battles are really something else. You never know how much control a...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Weapon X-Force 0

THE GOODAs arc transition issues go, I was pleased with this one. It had a nice call out to the last story, a decent story where we learn more about some of the X-Characters and a solid ending leaving really no introduction to the next arc. That notion was left only to the preview page at the end.If Marvel wants to take a note here, this would have been an ideal issue for the "Point One" initiative. It is really a stand alone issue with just a bit of side story to let you know that there is a re...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Darkness Rising 0

THE GOODThe art and writing are exactly what I have come to expect from the creative team(s) assigned to this book. As this is the transition book between arcs, we get a good amount of consequence from the previous arc combined with a well conceived setup for the next arc.This issue really did a great job of showing the struggle Angel is enduring. The best part is, we get to not only see his inner torment, but how it manifests itself on the outside as well.Realizing the Angel can no longer be tr...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

A Dark Beginning 0

THE GOODI cannot say enough about the art and the writing. Issue to issue, I could not wait for what was next. The series kept me on my toes week after week, this new arc will prove no different.It was just so astonishing to see what kind of world the AoA was... such a drastic difference without the influence of Professor X. A devastating "What If?" at its finest. One of the more interesting "characters" was Dmitri - we should all be so lucky to have such a low maintenance doorman. I just love h...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Short Lived Reuinion 0

THE GOODThe art and writing were great, as expected. I loved the introduction to all the "new" AoA characters. It is a motley crew, to be sure.It is nice that Wolverine could meet Kirika and that the could go into battle together. It was also nice to see that rivalries live on across worlds (re: Creed/Wolverine). In the end, everyone comes together against the common enemy. Some come together a bit closer than their spouses might like, but only for fleeting moments...I especially liked how much ...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Domestic Dispute 0

THE GOODThe pages just seemed so full of art. The different panels appear to fade away into the story. It is a really visually appealing issue - especially the Phoenix panels. :)I love how powerful Weapon-X is. He is just an unimaginable force to be reckoned with - almost too powerful. The team holds their own against him though, as we see the right team members being used for the right jobs.In the end, there is sacrifice, one to which the AoA folks get the crappy end of the stick on... as usual...

3 out of 4 found this review helpful.