
    All Star Western #3

    All Star Western » All Star Western #3 - No News is Good; El Diablo, Part 2 released by DC Comics on January 2012.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    The Gotham City Police Department teams up with the vigilante Jonah Hex to bring a serial killer to justice, setting a dangerous precedent – but even that won't stop the Religion of Crime from staking its claim on these streets. Will Hex ever get away from this place that makes the Wild West seem tame – and can he survive Gotham City's first drive-by shooting? Plus: Will El Diablo's rampage against a zombie horde be halted by the bloodthirsty White Arrow?



    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.

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    none of this issue.

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    3.7 stars

    Average score of 6 user reviews

    An Odd Middle 0

    The Good: While the big bold text almost ruins an otherwise incredible use of white space, I look at it, and it forms Batman's head, with the guns as his ears. This works well with the great 'King of Hell' metaphor thing I talked so much about from the last issue. This issue comes at a very odd point. It's a transitional issue that contains the climax of the Gotham Ripper story, a hook that makes it clear that the Ripper was only a small part of the larger Religion of Crime leviathan, and the st...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    No News Is Good 0

    The Story: Jonah Hex endures another attack while in Old Gotham shortly after bringing the Gotham Butcher to justice.  My Thoughts:This series started off with a bang and quickly became a favorite of mine. Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti make such a great creative team and really know how to write Jonah Hex.  I don't want it to sound as if I thought this issue was horrible, but right now this series is feeling as if it would be better off read as a trade. I'm sort of losing that excitement I fel...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    Another location in mind 0

    The ambiance is still here in this issue, but it feels more like a transitional issue than one meant to elicit a huge reaction.  In answer to the cliffhanger of the previous issue the action here is mostly top heavy occurring as it does mostly near the beginning.  This leads to seemingly the end of the line for Jonah's adventures in Gotham especially so with the aftermath of the second short action segment in the middle of the issue.  As Jonah is about to leave town though with the Religion of C...

    1 out of 2 found this review helpful.
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