thanosrules's All Star Western #4 - Untitled; The Barbary Ghost, Part 1 review

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    The Stolen and the Avenged


    The Stolen - In this issue we gain a bit more insight into Jonah's character. Up to this point, the good doctor has pointed out that he is on the brink of madness, with few things in this world to ground him. He abides by a law of his own devising and sticks to a loosely fit moral code. I think this ongoing story is a great way to see him close up, fighting his own demons, as well as struggling to fit in with the world around him. It elegantly mixes severely dark undertones with humor - making it a dramatic and fun read. I am continually impressed with the story and the art's ability to draw my eye from one panel to the next, eagerly anticipating what will happen next. As this next part of the story unfolds we see Jonah on a different mission - one that deviates from his normal "bounty to kill", yet keeps him on a path wrought with death. I am excited to see how the next issue will play out!

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    The Avenged - While I like this story line less than El Diablo, it certainly has left an impression on me. It is not too often we see why someone is being avenged this soon into the story - but I guess that was necessary given its shortened length. Still, this is speculation on my part, I am not certain the reasons implied are those driving the "Barbary Ghost", but given the context clues, it seems like a fair assumption. Either way, this story offers a different time, different place, and different drama than both of the other New 52 All Star Western tales so far. I believe the story telling for this was very well done, providing everything needed to set up the next and likely final part. Hopefully it will feel like a more complete ending as compared the the El Diablo short.

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    Other reviews for All Star Western #4 - Untitled; The Barbary Ghost, Part 1

      Ghastly appearance 0

      When weighing the pros and cons of this series it is seems as though it may be headed downhill.   That is not to say there is really anything wrong with it, in fact the story/mystery here is decent enough, just that the series itself seems to be relying too much on the bravado of the lead character, without really giving him much to back it up with.  So in this issue and not for the first time in this series we find Jonah both torturing someone mostly needlessly, and also scoffing at having to t...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

      Gotham Underground: 1800's 0

      Moritat continues experimenting with his art style, but it's an inconsistency that actually works quite well. It's clear that each issue is drawn by the same person, but there's different touches that alter the tone on direction or another. This issue is A LOT darker, but not necessarily in terms of dark storytelling, but there's a lot more solid shadows and dark colors, which suits the journey beneath Gotham into the sewers.Something different is done with the fight scenes in this issue that cr...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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