Dead A Long Time Part Three last edited by gravenraven on 05/19/23 06:40PM View full history


    Of the many secrets that Doctor Strange holds in his extremely well-manicured head, perhaps the greatest is this: why do some characters return from the dead, while others continue to languish in obscurity? Is it just a question of circulation? Or is there a more mysterious, harder-to-quantify-with-an-Excel-spreadsheet force at work?

    Well, the evil Pitiful One and four of his deceased cohorts are going to find out! They know that Doctor Strange holds the mystery to cold beer, warm sandwiches, and Sunday afternoon naps in his head, and they'll do anything to get that one-way ticket back to the land o' the living! Even if it means killing everyone in their path...

    Good thing Doctor Strange and Dead Girl are gathering an all-star team of dead heroes to best them! Featuring Dead Ant-Man, Dead Mysterio, Dead Anarchist, Dead Mister Sensitive, and a host more!


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