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RHINO RANTS: Not enough Rhino in Amazing Spiderman 2.

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Hi. This is Rhino. I am currently using The Hulk's account to type in my problem I have with Amazing Spider-Man 2. Don't worry, I asked him permission. I don't know his password, since he told me to leave the room so he can log me in, so I only get one shot to get this rant I am about to go on right. Here goes:

Did you all see The Amazing Spider-Man 2? Course you did. It was a pretty good movie. Just one little problem, though. Not enough...Rhino. There wasn't a whole lot of Rhino in it. You know. I mean, seriously. Spider-man got screen time. Electro got screen time. The Green Goblin got screen time too. But me? No. I hardly get any screen time in this movie. That is total crap. I mean, I come in portrayed as a cool-looking mechanized suit and I only appear in the last 4 minutes of the film. Isn't that terrible? I deserve to be in a movie longer. I'M THE FREAKING RHINO FOR PETE'S SAKE! I have never been in a movie until now and I'm only in the last 4 minutes. Pure crap. Well, I hope the director Marc Webb makes up for this in The Amazing Spider-Man 3 and makes me the main villain in THAT movie. Because justice needs to be done.

Now I want to hear from you!

Do you think I deserved to be in the movie longer? What do you think?