
    Power Pack #27

    Power Pack » Power Pack #27 - Whose Power--? released by Marvel on December 1986.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Whose Power--? last edited by pikahyper on 11/06/18 03:14AM View full history

    *Mutant Massacre tie-in*

    Franklin has a disturbing vision of Leech and Caliban, two of Power Pack's Morlock friends. The team decides to head into the sewers to rescue them, and walk straight into the Mutant Massacre - a band of renegade mutants attempting to exterminate all the Morlocks. Even after being admonished by Wolverine to leave, the Pack continues exploring the sewers.

    Alex is conflicted about the lethal nature of his new energy powers, and is unable to use them to bring down Sabretooth. Jack goads him by reminding him how much he used to bully and force Katie to use the same powers. Jack also develops a super-G punch with his new gravity powers, and discovers that he is far better at using them than Alex was.

    The tea discovers that their Morlock friend Annalee, and her foster children, have been murdered. However, they do discover that Leech and Caliban are still alive, and bring them to safety with the help of Cyclops and Jean Grey. They are then tasked with telling Leech that AnnaLee has died, and comfort him.

    Guest stars: Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Iceman, Beast, Sabretooth, Morlocks, Leech


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