

    Character » Shellshock appears in 5 issues.

    Minor enemy of the Power Rangers. In the World of the Coinless, Shellshock was part of the army that destroyed the world.

    Short summary describing this character.

    Shellshock last edited by gravenraven on 11/05/23 12:01AM View full history


    Created by the combined stupidity of Squatt and Baboo when Rita Repulsa was poorly in an attempt to impress Rita. Made in secret using Finster's monster mold.


    Dora Tortoise Concept Art
    Dora Tortoise Concept Art

    Shellshock was originally created for the Japanese TV show Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger in 1992, known as Dora Tortoise. When the show was adapted for a Western audience, the show was renamed Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Dora Tortoise was changed to Shellshock.

    In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Shellshock was voiced by Richard Epcar.


    Shellshock aided Lord Drakkon and Rita Repulsa in the World of the Coinless in their conquest of Earth.


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