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Can the Hulk be in Captain Marvel (MCU)?

Carol Danvers is perhaps the most famous Captain Marvel of them all. There have been a few others of course like the original Kree soldier Mar-Vell and Rick Jones, Bruce Banner's sidekick. Rick Jones was originally the sole reason why Bruce Banner accidently became the Hulk. As we all know, Bruce's origin has slightly changed in the MCU. Bruce and Rick are university colleagues but Rick never made an appearance in the Incredible Hulk.

This Captain Marvel movie would be a great opportunity to introduce Rick Jones as a supporting character as well as the Hulk and maybe even the Inhumans. Another good reason would be to merge two villains into a bigger threat. The Supreme Intelligence is the undisputed leader of the Kree but at the same time, the Leader is by far the most intelligent being on Earth who for some reason is unable to kill the Hulk.

The writers for Captain Marvel could imply that Dr. Sterns' mutation has caused his cranium to grow to incredible lengths and his body is unable to support him. Sterns steals an apparatus from AIM called the Mobile Omni Digital Organic Computer. MODOC severs Sterns' head from his body but the device comes equipped with mechanical limbs. Sterns then adopts a new persona as Leader the Supreme Intelligence.

If Captain Marvel becomes a box office success with the possibility of sequels, perhaps Rick Jones can take on the mantle of Captain Marvel at one point. At the same time, if the Inhumans play a major role in Carol Danvers' life then she could later be personified as the Joan of Arc for the Inhumans. Carol could fight for the Inhumans' freedom and survival since the Kree want the Inhumans dead plus the Kree may consider Carol as a perversion of their beloved Captain Mar-Vell.

What do u think?