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Savage Dragon Knocks One Out of the Park! (Hostess Ad Parodies #9)

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This ran on the back cover of PVP #0 in June, 2005. Erik Larsen reprinted it in Savage Dragon #122 in January, 2006, and SD 122 was reprinted in Savage Dragon Archives, Volume 5 in November, 2015.

Home Run Pie is an actual product!
Home Run Pie is an actual product!

The interesting thing about this one is that Home Run Pie is an actual brand of Horizon Snack Foods, as can be seen in the small print running up the right side of the border. So, I was not sure if this one was done for parody fun, or if it was an actual paid advertisement. I contacted Erik Larsen to find out which it was.

According to Mr. Larsen, the answer is: yes, it's a real product, but it was not a paid ad for Home Run Pie. However, it was a house ad for Savage Dragon, and that is why it ran on the back cover of PVP #0.

A funny sidenote on this is that Larsen followed the model of many of the Hostess ads by having a little bit of sexual inuendo in the title. Sure, it's just as sophomoric now as it was then, but it's a nice attention to detail. Would we expect any less from Larsen? No. No, we would not.

Nostalgic delight in every bite < 8 (Hostess Ad Parodies) 10 > Enjoy.

Here's a video of people trying Home Run Pies, for as long as it lasts on YouTube:


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