razzatazz's Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #5 - Colossus of Mars, Part 5 of 5: The Annihilation review

    Avatar image for razzatazz

    By the arms of a son

    Sometimes series will build up a story and then let the end of the story only really carry through the momentum without carrying through on what came before.  This story does not do this though, as successively each new development becomes the most impressive thing to occur.  The entire issue is just a large battle sequence, but it incorporates a lot of solid character development into as well, which makes really the last page the most effective of all.  That this is built around a battle sequence makes it all the more impressive.  I have only ever read two Dejah Thoris story arcs, and both from the same company, but if these two are any indication, then the series seems to be set for some great moments as there have been a lot already.  

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