liberty's The Huntress #10 - Child's Play review

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    No Happy Endings!

    This book was not very good and I only gave it two stars out of five or a four out of ten.  I think sometime writers try too hard to make a "mature" story rather than a good one.  I think this is definitely one of those cases.  Now if you continue to read you may get some spoilers.  That said it won't ruin the story because it's not really worth reading.  
    Problem number one is the Bookworm murdering Gina Manelli Huntress stops him but somehow he is able to kill her anyway.  The problem is it is never definitive as to how he did it.
    Problem number two. James Cooper's mother and little brother are killed for no reason.  The gang was trying to get James to make a nuclear weapon and he was refusing to do so.  This is when they kill his family.  The problem is when they kill his family they make it harder for him to cooperate not easier.  It seemed like the writers were just trying to make their story fit the "mature" label on the book.
    Problem number three it about Detective O'Shea.  Detecive O'Shea never gets his full name in the series and neither does anyone else in the police department.  the bad guys get all these swell bio and last names even if the only appear in one issue.  O'Shea and his partner are in several issues but they are never given a first name.  O'Shea  and huntress have a relationship like James Gordon and Batman.  What bugged me here is it shows him home life in this issue.  He reads a bedtime story to his daughter and jokes with his wife and she calls him O'Shea.  I know she was joking but the guy needs a first name. 
    To sum up I am not a fan of the art.  I didn't mark off for it but i should have because some of the woman in this book looked way too manly.  As a matter of fact I think I was generous in my rating and I would not recommend this book at all.  I take that back i would recommend this book if you like violence over substance and if you are one of those readers please stop buying comic books because you are the problem.

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