
    Star Wars: Republic #81

    Star Wars: Republic » Star Wars: Republic #81 - The Hidden Enemy, Part One released by Dark Horse Comics on December 1, 2005.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    The Hidden Enemy, Part One last edited by fesak on 02/27/23 11:35AM View full history

    The first issue of a three-part story that begins during the events of Revenge of the Sith, and reveals a battle that was not shown in that film!

    The Separatist attack on the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyyk demands a strong response from the Republic, and Jedi Masters Luminara Unduli and Quinlan Vos arrive with their clone armies. But there may be more behind the Separatist attack-and more to the Wookiee's defense-than the Jedi know.

    Old friends, new enemies, and lots of action!


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