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The Dark Knight Rises. The Love and the Hate.

First let me say i liked the movie overall. It was worth the 7.50 ticket price. and i know this a little late so i'll keep it short.
Love: Ann Hathaway was a great Catwoman. Character, she is tops. Costume, I put her above Halle berry but below whats-her-name from Batman returns. Also thought it was cleaver how her goggles flipper up to look like cat ears.
Hate: The end. what happend to the bittersweet ending? Did we really need to see batman pull off an impossible escape? It seems an insult to make a movie so real only to tack on that ending.
Hate: Banes accent. To me he sounded like Sean Connery speaking through a Darth Vader voice synthesizer.

Hate: The bat-plane. this looked like something from a terminator movie.