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10/16/2013 "The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide" 43rd Edition

Finally! Just got my copy of "The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide" 43rd Edition 2013-2014. I still very much consider myself a comic virgin. Getting to know the history more has been both exciting and frustrating.So this is my first pricing guide, very cool.

As I started to read the introduction to the guide, I recalled reading reviews regarding controversial topics. MOSTLY they were complaints about the book not being accurate on prices or not taking all buying and selling resources into account (such as internet and private buyers). All I can say is that is complete bunk. This book as so many resources listed (everything between Web Articles to Public Auctions) that I can tell why it took so many people to put it together. They even have a Directory Listing that starts on page 1076, there is an incredible amount of recorded resources. Now regarding the prices not being "accurate", if they actually read the mini comic introduction starting on page 65 they clearly state the book is just a "guide" meaning it assists sellers and collectors on pricing. In other words, its a suggestion- not written in stone.

I really like this book, hopefully with a lot of study time I can become a good Comic Appraiser/ Grader.

The only negative about this book is there are SO MANY ADS! Serious I have never seen so many ads, it is actually kind of creepy the tone some of the ads take. For example on the back cover the advertiser actually brags about paying $30,000 just for the ad on the book, all in an attempt to get you to sell to him knowing he is a wealthy person. And that is not even the worst ad, most list out all the past purchases they made that year, some spending over 1.2million. Not sure where the money comes from but most of the ads come on very strong, almost desperate in my opinion.

Anywho, I would completely recommend this book if you are a professional or starting out comic collector or enthusiast. It is a great reference and fun read.

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