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Marvel Events ---- How To Force a Ridiculous Situation ----

I've been away from comic vine a while. Lots of reasons... Hadn't planned on coming back just yet, but the "Avengers vs. X-Men" thing has happened.... sigh... So, rather than saying what's on my mind, I thought I'd just sort of present the story arc with different dialogue... I hope it speaks for itself. Just read the panels in order. I hope the point is made.

No Caption Provided

  1. Provide free food to the starving.

  2. Provide clean and free energy to the planet

  3. Reduce crime

  4. Bring peaceful resolution to wars

  • The Avengers can't approve of all this... this.... um... making the earth nearly perfect, so they decided to continually attack mutants bearing the Pheonix Force, or as Reed Richards put it, "The only ones getting hurt here are YOU because you keep poking them with a stick.)

And here we are.... The inevitable 'Pheonix Force Going Bad' thing... No, surprise. And fortunately Captain America and the Avengers hurried things along by illegally attacking people who had broken NO laws....

These Marvel Events are SO forced... They want a 'Super neato torpedo kewl battle' so they force the characters (that we know and love) to act OUT of character, JUST so they can get into a fight that makes no sense.

  • Wolverine betraying mutants

  • Captain America invading another country without the U.S. making a formal declaration of war... This is something that the icon of liberty and the American Way just would never do... Sure, Tony Stark would do this, but not Captain America.

  • The Thing (Ben Grimm) giving Namor an extra kick because he was possessed by a cosmic force and went a little crazy... Gosh, didn't Ben Grimm experience something like that only months ago? (on the Marvel time scale)

  • Scott Summers COMPLETELY forgetting how bad the Pheonix Force can and how it can.. well, basically destroy everything...

  • The Avengers parking themselves about 20 feet from the Jean Grey School for mutants... and then.. and then... (are you ready for it?) Frenzy (angry wench / newer X-Man) calls Moon Knight crazy (which he IS) and..... HE ATTACKS HER. Gosh, that is so very like the Avengers. Someone calls you a name (and they're accurate) and you break the law and assault them... And then we have Avengers fighting mutant children because someone called Moon Knight crazy.... Yeah, that sounds reasonable...

Well, there's other stuff, but I have to go cook dinner