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Top 10 Favorite Comic Characters

A list of what I consider to be the best of the best when it comes to comic book characters.

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  • Yeah, no shit. Sure, we've been through some rough patches, and my hatred for Bruce Wayne has at times been as powerful as my admiration for his coolness. But, you know what? You don't hang on for 75 years, and become a worldwide icon and one of the top 5 best superheroes of all time for nothing. Here's to you, Bats.

  • Ah, Superman. Will writers ever, ever embrace the full extent of your potential for awesomeness and sheer badassery? Thus far, none have succeeded, but I hold out hope that one day, someone finally will. And then, you'll be everyone's favorite guy in tights again. Here's to you, Supes.

  • Peter Parker. Will I ever admire you again as much as I did when I was a teenager? Probably not. But, with such an awesome personality, even more awesome powers, and a great supporting cast, you're certainly damn close. Here's to you, Spidey.

  • Good ol' Dickie Grayson. Forget Wonder Woman, forget Green Lantern, forget all those other guys. Little Dick was kicking the asses of grown men and looking cool doing it for years before any of them came on scene. And he has the best male backside in the business. Here's to you, Dickie.

  • Oh, Barry. You may not be as cool as you were back in the Silver and Bronze Ages, but screw it, you're still my favorite speedster in comics. "Wally West Who?", is all I have to say. So even though Geoff Johns wrecked you, your coolness will never go away. Here's to you, my one and only Flash.

  • Yeah, I know I've bitched about Daredevil in the past and the insane crap he's managed to pull off over the years. But you don't rant that much about a character unless you really care about them, and Matt Murdock is one fellow in comics that I've always been passionate about. He's blind, he's awesome, and he gets laid like there's no tomorrow. Here's to you, Man Without Fear.

  • Felicia, Felicia, what have they done to you? Sexy, flirty, blonde - really, it was love at first sight. Plus, she's got a great rack. It's a shame they gave her such a retarded costume, though, in place of her old one. And, she's evil now. Well, I guess it wouldn't be Marvel if they didn't fuck up every now and then. Here's to you, my lovely kitty-cat.

  • Karla, my dear, always so seductive, so manipulative, and looking fantastic while doing it. She puts the "sex" in psychiatry. Oh, wait, that doesn't, who cares. Point is, Karla Sofen is fifty different shades of awesome, and nothing anyone will ever say can change my mind about it. Here's to you, my cunning Moonstone.

  • Hugo, Hugo, Hugo, so damn under-appreciated. While he may lack Karla's sex appeal, he's got brilliance to spare, and if only the writers would realize that, he would be number one amidst Batman's rogues. Joker, move over. Hugo Strange, step up! Here's to you, Professor.

  • Black Widow. It's all there in the name, really. Russian super-spy with sex appeal, and more notches on her bed-post than Tony Stark. Plus, she's a Cold War relic that has somehow managed to outgrow her traditional role and become one of Marvel's most enduring and popular characters. That's gotta count for something, right? Here's to you, Natasha.