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Let's Read Some Comic Books

I am a bit behind on the books so I thought I would do some catch up with a blog post! Let's see what are we reading today...

Superman #26

Lois is still in a coma and an odd-ball villain shows up out of nowhere. Is this book turning into a soap opera? For a good solid action comic story we need three things to be done well:

Does the Villain Do Something (Causing the Hero to Act)?

Superman #26 - Yes but we don't really know why unless we have read an obscure issue.... 5/10

Does the Hero Fight the Villain?

Superman #26 - They interact but no there is no real conflict ... 3/10

Does the Hero Defeat the Villain?

Superman #26 - Nope, not one bit it's a cliffhanger... 0/10

Is it comic book gold that will go down as one of the greatest issues ever? 8/30 - Not even close!

So moving on... Superman Unchained #5

Top-notch art and a really deep story keeps this series on the top of my list. So is it gold?

Question 1 - Again, there is a huge amount of information given in this issue and the last. Huge event occurs at the end ... 10/10

Question 2 - Unfortunately we are again left with no conflict and cliffhanger... 0/10

Question 3 - He didn't even fight! .... 0/10

Despite having a great story and amazing artwork (Scott Snyder and Jim Lee!) the issue itself is just a bridge...10/30

More Superman in Action Comics #27 -

The cover makes it look like this might be a true gem with a complete story in an issue like the old days. Too bad it was so far from the truth. Plus the hodge podge art and writing really makes this issue a sad thing to see. So gold?

Question 1 - It's the old "I wandered into a hole in the ground and found____" As usual the things in the hole attack. 3/10

Question 2 - There is a real fight in the middle of this one though nothing stands out as epic. 4/10

Question 3 - Defeat? Not really but quite a strange little twist cliffhanger. 4/10

So Action Comics landed an 11/30 on the gold standard. Impressive considering how much better Superman Unchained is. What is the pattern here? It seems to be cliffhanger time for all of them. One day they will realize that you don't have to have a cliffhanger for me to buy the next issue... So if you don't read any of these comics, I would have to say none of these was a good one to pick up but if you are okay with not understanding the story and want to see a well done comic S:U is the one for you. I have hope for a good Superman #27 but someone please help Action Comics!

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Who is El Diablo?

A Halloween themed story in All Star Westerns (#2) is concerning a character with a very strange ability. Did this guy just come out of the woodwork or is this a new creation? He may get the award for worst super power ever...

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