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Moby's 2cent

Hey everyone I've just finished watching the Ironman 3 movie last night; even though I don't care for marvel too much I have to admit it was a great movie it. I laughed, was excited and surprised it had all the element to make a movie great, there was only thing that I had a problem with was the way the Manderian was portrayed and the kind of bland ending that sort of leaves you empty. Honestly I believe that they need to come out with an Ironman 4 to finish out; it really wasn't a solid ending to a franchise.


Moby's 2cent

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Okay guys I know in my last blog I was speaking about Icon in a positive light but reading more about him on Comic Vine he seem almost kind of like a sellout and not concerned for other people's problems. Did it really only take some one who was stealing from him in the first place to convince him to help other people. Out of all the time that he spent on earth was he really doing nothing until he came across Rocket. I'll admit that I don't know that much about Icon; but can someone please tell it's not as black and white as it looks to me?

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Moby's 2cent

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I know this maybe a long shot but a character that I would long to see in injustice is icon or maybe plasticman. I really just want to see someone different taken advantage of because there are so many characters that would be awesome in a game. I've been reading up on Icon lately and was really interested in his story; he's just a character I like to see more of and that I personally think that he has so much potential.

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Moby's 2cent

Hey guys I have two words for you "Young Justice". This show was so incredible and the way that cartoon network ended wasn't as satisfying as Green Lantern was. GL could end the way it did and I feel complete but young justice left us with a cliff hanger along with the wrong flash disappearing. Honestly I'm so upset with this I can't even stay on this topic too long because I'll get angry thinking about the wasted potential of the show.

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Moby"s 2cent

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I ran across a fan made photograph and it got me thinking about the Batman movie franchise; when I think about this trilogy one phrase comes to mind "if it ain't broke don't fix it" the last film had a perfect ending which left the story open for more. I believe that Batman was represented perfectly in these movies and to do another Batman with a totally different Bruce Wayne would be a mistake and also maybe an insult to the recent trilogy. So maybe it's time that they move on to different characters related to the caped crusader; for example Nightwing would fit in perfectly and it could build a set up for Batman to return for the Justice league. But this photo shows John Blake (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) as Nightwing and I believe that he can pull it off; also it would be difficult write as a movie.

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Moby's 2cent

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I'm very excited about the new Superman movie coming out; but I was wondering is this movie another origin story or what. If it is I hope it's the last one for a while, I'm already looking for a squeal to this movie (even though Amy Adams is a good actress, I don't see her as Lois Lane). Even though I think Zod is a decent villian to start off with but I'm looking for someone different like Brainiac or Darkseid (before the justice league movie come out); and I really don't want to see Lex Luthor as the main villain for a while. I like the idea of making people afraid of Superman at the beginning because he is an alien; it makes it even harder for the man of steel; the fact that everyone is being difficult make the movie more intriguing to see how he is going to handle their reaction at first.

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Moby's 2cent

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I know it maybe a stretch but I was wondering wouldn't it be interesting to see a Hawkman movie. What got me thinking about it was watching the movie Legion; even though I didn't care for the movie the fight scene between the 2 angels were awesome. It had me thinking that if they can pull this fight off why can't they make a decent Hawkman movie. I've always thought that he was kinda underrated but if he was able to produce a decent movie maybe he could get a little more recognition and maybe get the comic back from being cancelled.

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Moby's 2cent

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Hey guys it's Moby coming at you throwing my voice; there are a ton of characters that I feel that the DC are over looking like Wally West (Flash), Wildcat and is it just me or does anyone else miss Cassandra Cain (Batgirl); but even though 52 is making a lot of changes I don't care for, I have to admit that I absolutely love what they have done to Aquaman; from joke to champ; I've always knew it could've been done how can you control 70% of the planet and not be one of the elite about time!!


Moby's 2cent

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I've just recently heard some news that there is a Captain Planet movie coming out in a couple of years. I don't know about everyone else but I'm really excited about it. If anyone else has any other classic cartoon movie news I would love you hear about. Thanks.............


Moby's 2cents

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Battle for the Cowl had a great storyline the only flaw that we saw is what happened afterward. The comic had everything; a great setup and ending that everyone was satisfied with; we believe that the DC writers were actually planning on bring Bruce back so quickly that they would have had a different ending than the one with Dick winning against Jason Todd. If Jason Todd was to win the Battle for the Cowl I believe that they would have sold a lot more comics; I know we've seen a Batman terrorize Gotham (example: Batman KnightFall) but I think that it would have been a better story line if Bruce actually had a reason to come back to Gotham. Seeing Jason Todd as Batman would have been a treat for all readers and also a chance to eliminate useless villains like Calendar Man.

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