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DC New 52 - Month 6

Week 1

Great - Awesome, top picks of the week: Action Comics, Animal Man, Batwing, Swamp Thing

Good - Solid book, want to read next week: Green Arrow, Justice League International, Red Lanterns, Stormwatch

Top Pick: Animal Man

This issue is essentially filler, but is enjoyable enough that you don't really notice. Rather than giving us an issue of everyone standing around talking about what happened last week with a few hints about what's about to happen next week (see JLI or Stormwatch this week to see what I mean), we get to watch some of Buddy Baker's film career. Buddy Baker has been a stuntman for a long time, but this is the first time I can remember actually seeing him act in something. The film itself is about an aging, down an out superhero which seems to have a lot of parallels to Buddy's own life.

Bottom Pick: Stormwatch

As I mentioned above, this issue is essentially filler between the battle with the traitor on the team last issue and the alien invasion that seems to be on the horizon next issue. Much like JLI this week, this issue is all about bringing the team together: a leader is chosen, Apollo and Midnighter finally join and the ship is (somewhat) brought into line. I gave it a "good" rating, so I really don't have much to complain about this week, it was just a little slower than usual.

Week 2

Great - Awesome, top picks of the week: Batman and Robin, Resurrection Man, Suicide Squad

Good - Solid book, want to read next week: Batwoman, Demon Knights, Green Lantern, Legion Lost, Superboy

Okay - Not the best, but will give another shot next week: Batgirl, Deathstroke, Penguin

Not Interested - Won't read it next week: Grifter

Top Pick: Batman and Robin

Lots of good stuff happening in this issue. Batman finishes his backflash about his time training under Ducard and his son Morgan. Meanwhile, Damian has to make his final decision between Batman's "no kill" law and freedom under Morgan.

Bottom Pick: Grifter

I didn't think this issue was particularly bad, I just forgot who all the characters were since the last issue and had a hard time following the plot.. I'll wait until its a trade so I can read the whole thing at once and maybe understand what's going on a little better.

Week 3

Great - Awesome, top picks of the week: Birds of Prey, Blue Beetle, Justice League

Good - Solid book, want to read next week: Batman, Catwoman, Nightwing, Supergirl, Wonder Woman

Okay - Not the best, but will give another shot next week: Green Lantern Corps

Not Interested - Won't read it next week: Captain Atom, DC Universe Presents, Legion of Super-Heroes

Top Pick: Birds of Prey

I like how this issue starts from the point of view of one of Choke's mind-controlled henchmen. It slowly introduces us to the team and the storyline from an outsider's point of view. In the second half, the team formulates a plan to draw Choke into the open, but end up in a trap themselves! It seems to be leading up to an exciting conclusion to the first storyline.

Bottom Pick: Captain Atom

I've been mostly disappointed with this series. I think I held onto it so long because I was hoping for something more like the original Captain Atom series. I don't really like the artwork of this series, don't really understand the random ticking clock and don't really feel like sticking around to see where its going...

Weeks 4 and 5

Great - Awesome, top picks of the week: Aquaman, Flash, Ray, Shade, THUNDER Agents

Good - Solid book, want to read next week: Justice League Dark, Legion: Secret Origin

Okay - Not the best, but will give another shot next week: Batman: The Dark Knight, Green Lantern: New Guardians, Teen Titans

Not Interested - Won't read it next week: All-Star Western, Voodoo

Top Pick: Aquaman

This issue is mostly character-driven and focuses on Mera. Mera's a character who always seems to be around in Aquaman titles, but doesn't really have much depth. I like how Geoff Johns had added a little background and personality character through Blackest Night, Brightest Day and now this series. It's filler issue before the "Who Sank Atlantis" storyline, but still a very entertaining read.

Bottom Pick: Voodoo

I don't like the direction this book has taken since Ron Marz's departure. It was cool when it was a fugitive, cat and mouse book. Now it seems to be more of a secret alien invasion book, along the same lines as Grifter. Not really a fan.

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