
    Jurassic Jane #1

    Jurassic Jane » Jurassic Jane #1 - The Savage Awakening! released by London Night Studios on April 1, 1997.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Tira Jane is the elven princess of her tribe and when her captain, Baldric returns with news of the battle at theirs lands boarders and the treaties signed to ensure peace with their neighboring tribes, Tira is more interested in sex. 
    She keeps her captain for herself all night and come morning her town has been laid siege to by man-beasts. With baldric incapacitated Tira charges naked from her home with sword in hand. She battles valiantly until she is knocked to the ground and loses her sword. Baldric come to her aid and they repel the invaders. 
    meanwhile from a vantage point bald, more technological looking, elves watch the battle they set in place, with drugged water and aggravating the man-beasts against the town, failing and lament that they will have to return to their princess Shania with the news. 
    Back in Atlantis the elves report tot heir princess who calmly makes the lead elf explode with the pointing of her finger and orders the remaining pair to go and see that Tira does not reach this city and that her sister must die!



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