inglewoodian's Judge Dredd #9 - Mega-City Zero: Part Nine: Pollen review

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    The Law in a new form

    I almost avoided this series because I didn't feel the artwork was up to par to warrant a purchase. I caved however because I love Judge Dredd & I'm glad I did. The artwork is still a little meh to me but I've adjusted to understand that it's like that to properly represent this weird crap Dredd is going through right now. The story is great though. It's Dredd in a place I've never seen him before. Alone & without the law that he so desperately defends. He's had some wacky adventures in this arc so far & even got a damn beard! He has literally been stripped down to the barest he can be meaning no law, no backup, no MegaCity, no fancy guns. It's just him, his outfit & what he can remember in a lawless world where Judges aren't the top dogs anymore. I'm really enjoying it & I can't wait to see where it goes.

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