
    Green Lantern #35

    Green Lantern » Green Lantern #35 - Secret Origin, Part 7 released by DC Comics on November 1, 2008.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Green Lantern Secret Origin Part 7 0

     In this interesting conclusion, there is much left to be desired. Maybe, some of these stories will flesh out in the forth coming “real time” stories in Issues number 36 and beyond, but the conclusion to the Secret Origins story seems too open ended. In this issue, Hal Jordan makes the Guardians upset by his questions—it seems that Hal Jordan represents who Americans often are. They ask the hard questions and they seek for the truth. We Americans don’t put up with a lot of double speak and smok...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    wrapping it up 2

    In Brief: Hal and Sinestro have a chat with the blue oompa loompas, where some pretty interesting things come up. The rest of the issue feels a bit like the end of a pilot episode for a T.V. show.   The Writing: After the action of the last issue this one represents a cool-down. Last issue was the climax of the story, this is the denoument, where everything gets tied up in a relatively nice package.  While Johns does just about everything well, he seems to be returning to his forte here. This is...

    6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

    Get in the air 0

    Although other issues of the seven issue long Secret Origins series combined both the past and the present into the traditional Hal Jordan origin this one looks only to the future pretty much ignoring traditional elements and instead focusing on the new threat from the Red Lanterns.  What results is a pretty well contained issue with decent dialogue and setup for future events, just one without a lot of action.  That being the case this pretty much rests on the dialogue and here that takes the s...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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