johnkmccubbin91's Green Lantern #12 - The Revenge of Black Hand, Part 2 review

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    Blackish Night

    This series has really twisted and turned the Green Lantern world. I don't read the other GL series so I don't know what the background stuff fully is but it looks interesting. The art wasn't quite as good as the previous issue but still very good.

    This story sees Hal and Sinestro fight against Black Hand (who once again has the Black Lantern) and his army of the dead. Hal tells Sinestro that they need Carol Ferris as they need another light spectrum to defeat the Black Lantern. With no luck in getting her Sinestro pulls his Yellow Sinetro Lantern from his dimensional portal and tells Hal to help him destroy it to give of another light. During this Black Hand finds a shocking discovery about the fate of Hal Jordan.

    This was another good issue of Green Lantern and I'm happy they haven't just forgotten the Blackest Night (as unlike Brightest Day it was a brilliant series/story). I would highly recommend this series and it is one of the better in the New 52. I personally am looking forward to the conclusion in a few weeks in Annual 1.

    Rating: 4/5


    Other reviews for Green Lantern #12 - The Revenge of Black Hand, Part 2

      Green Lantern #12 0

      THE GOOD: The art in this issue is different from the regular artist but Renato Guedes and Jim Calafiore contribute to the book. Renato Guedes adds a lot of details to his faces and the backgrounds. Jim Calafiore contributes his simplistic yet interesting style to this book. The story gets very huge and complicated but in a good way. We get to see the Guardians and all the evil but somehow nice things they are planing. The real big deal here is the fight with Black Hand and what the Book of the ...

      3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

      Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Slow and Carefully 0

      There's a lot of things very awkward about this cover. There's a massive disjunction from the angle Black Hand's body is at, the way the wind is blowing his cape, the angle of the gargoyle, and the angle of the city behind them. This whole cover didn't have a super interesting setup to begin with, it could've been really cool, but it's just so-so.It's a prelude for what was to come on the inside, this issue has a LOT of inherent artwork problems. For starters, it's got two artists. Right after s...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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