crimsonsquire's Alpha: Big Time #3 review

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    Alpha: Big Time #3

    There'll be a few spoilers in this review, so you've been warned!

    The Good

    Let's just start of with Joshua Hale Fialkov's writing for the "good" section. He's managed to come up with a great story for a character that not many people wanted to see get a solo story, he's taken someone that was seen as a complete jerk and transformed him into a character that is exciting to read about. He's become a character you can sort of relate to, and has been given situations that make you feel for him.

    Secondly, There's a great plot about the evolution of Andy's powers, I won't go into too much detail because I think everybody will appreciate the story more if they read it for themselves.

    Next, the artwork. When I first started reading this series I wasn't too keen on the art, it just looked quite odd to me. But now we've gotten further into the series I really like it, and the way Nuno Plati shows certain parts of the issue, especially Andy's reaction to overhearing what "Soupcan" says about him and the demonstration of his new powers, extremely well. I feel like the art is essential to this story and the book would feel a little less exciting with a different artist.

    The Bad

    I don't have many major compaints about this issue, or the series overall, but there are one or two minor things.

    First, Every time I read the book, I always feel a little bit disappointed that it's such a short series. Every time I finish an issue I get a little sad. I know this isn't anything that the immediate creative team can fix, maybe not even the series editor, But I thought I'd bring it up.

    Secondly, a little thing with the art. I love the art in the book, as I said before, it's just that the cover art by Humberto Ramos and the interiors by Nuno Plati are so different it feels a little odd when you open up the book. Although separately, they're brilliant.

    The Verdict

    This series has managed to keep up a great standard through it's first three issues. This issue is the best so far, in my opinion, and it was one of the first books on my reading pile. I was really excited for this comic, and it definitely didn't dissapoint.

    Another great issue, can't wait for the next!

    - CrimsonSquire

    (@CrimsonSquire on twitter.)


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