sylentecho's Action Comics #700 - Swan Song review

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    A must-read story arc

    Lex Luthor finally goes mad and convinces himself that, if he can't have Metropolis, nobody can! He's dying slowly, due to the cloning process and has decided to destroy metropolis, by detonating various bombs placed around the city and Superman can do nothing to stop them all at once. Superman confronts Luthor, but doesn't have the heart to strike a dying man. Meanwhile, oblivious to what's going on there, Lana is having her wedding, which adds such a bizarre and sad ambience to the whole thing.

    The only problem I have here, is the artwork. In this era (1993-1997), comics became weekly and had to be made really fast. The artist's rendition of Superman was barely ever accurate. I mean, yeah, he had long hair and that was cool, or "mondo-cool" at the time, but his face looked middle-aged and as if he does meth in his spare time. The only artist that stood out was Tom Grummett. Oh, by the way, Curt Swan has a part in making this issue. He was brought back especially for this landmark 700th Action Comics Issue.

    Everything about Metropolis as you know it changes after this issue. Be sure to track down this series and buy this one.

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