sniktbub100's X-Men: Schism #2 - Schism, Part Two review

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    X-men Schism # 2

    X-men Schism #1 was a hit issue but let's see if this next issue will follow it's predecessor's foot steps

    The Good

    The writing Done By Jason aaron is phenominal he's taking he's introducing some new cool villains And the Art is good in my opinion but last issue's art was better and it leaves readers with a very good ending

    The Not so Good

    I didn't say Bad because technically ther's nothing bad about this book but it has some minor setbacks like Jason Aaron is dragging the story and the event is half done most people wanna see cyclops and wolverine kicking each others asses and the art By Frank Cho doesn't do it it just looks tacky at times

    The Verdict

    This still a very good and solid issue the event begins to unravel itself at every issue it's just too slow anyway this a Must read for all you x-men fans

    Other reviews for X-Men: Schism #2 - Schism, Part Two

      Ditch the Kids, Jason Aaron. 0

      The schism between Cyclops and Wolverine really starts to take shape this issue, but distracting from that is the development of Jason Aaron's new Hellfire Club which feels completely out of place in this story. This results in a story that feels at odds with itself. Part of it is an intelligent and believable handling of the X-Men's situation in the world while the other part involves a completely ridiculous and unbelievable new team of villains.  As he did for the most part last issue, Aaron c...

      10 out of 10 found this review helpful.

      Genius is never appreciated in its own time 0

      This issue picks right off from the previous issue and runs pretty much the same way. There is no fighting but we know the X-men are scattered around the globe and dealing with various Sentinel programs. There is even mention of various other superheroes such as Iron Man and Thor in the midst of this. Some of the dialogue felt overly political and a tad bit unnecessary. And the main villain hardly seems interesting. If you read the previous issue, you’ll know whom I’m referring to. Since I’v...

      6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

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