tordollhouse's X-Men: Legacy #1 - Prodigal review

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    X-Men: Legacy #1 - Vol. 2


    Creative Team:

    Writer - Simon Spurrier.

    Penciler - Tan Eng Huat.

    Colourist - Jose Villarrubia.

    Inker - Craig Yeung.




    Did I take a wrong turn somewhere? I really wanted to love this from first sight. Over complex for what could have been great, X-Men: Legacy tries too hard for it's own good. Simon Spurrier's writing is text heavy at moments, leading to a clash against the unruly artwork.


    1/5 Stan Lee's.

    Other reviews for X-Men: Legacy #1 - Prodigal

      Legion 0

      PlotDavid A.k.a. Legion is the son of Charles Xavier, how will he react when he learns of his fathers demise?The ArtIs okay. It's nothing amazing, it's a bit messy at times. It's not bad, it's just nothing exciting.Story and ScriptI gotta say I didn't think I was going to like this as much as I did. Initially I was very excited about the series but as I saw all the reviews come in, I decided not to pick up the book. However when I went to my LCS today to pick up some comics, this was $1.99, so I...

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      We Are Broken 0

      That is one compelling cover. I'm really new to X-Men, this is possibly the first X-Men comic I've bought that isn't out of continuity. But with a cover like that, and a character named Legion, my curiosity is highly piqued. It's also interesting to see how much the cover really tells you about Legion. It tells you that he's insane to some degree, and that he has multiple personalities. This could've been illustrated another way, sure, but this way is just so unique and demented it had me.The st...

      2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

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