gold_dust_boi's X-Factor #220 - Original Sins review

    Avatar image for gold_dust_boi

    Kill Them With Piousness

    I'll start by saying that I overall really enjoyed this issue.  Coming from being the quietest shyest mutant ever, Rahne has really changed over the years and it was awesome to see an issue showcase her after everything she's been through.  With that being said...I don't like how she's been acting lately.  If you read my blogs then you already know how I feel about her lately , but just to reiterate: I just cant get on board with her behavior recently.  Her response to Rictor and Shatterstar's relationship, while completely understandable, has been somewhat appalling.  BUT!  I really appreciated seeing her at least making the effort to understand and make peace with something that she, at her very core, is so vehemently opposed to.  It shows that she knows her behavior is inexcusable and at least wants to try and get back to a happier place.  
    On a much happier note, I started the scene with Shatterstar singing showtunes with disgust and horror at the writers stooping so low as to make this newly gay character a walking cliches.  My disgust quickly turned to delight as they turned the scene around and made it a joke ABOUT the gay cliches of showtunes.  A great turn around and, while I hate the use of tired cliches, I LOVE a good satirical joke about those same cliches.  So while I can't wait to see the lately developments with Monet, Guido and Layla, this intimate portrait of one of the X-men's most religious characters was well deserved and amazingly executed.

    Other reviews for X-Factor #220 - Original Sins

      Been A While 0

      This issue really exemplifies why this series is amongst my favorites and maybe one of the best X-Titles out there.  First thing I want to mention is that I LOVE Shatterstar. His constant discovery of our world through Rictor and the entertainment he keeps exposing him to is never going to get old to me. Also, you can tell Peter David has a love for movies and TV and isn't afraid to drop obscure references through Shatterstar.  Just a little observation I wanted to throw out there. This issue pi...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

      There was a stereotype ? 0

      Issue #220 of X-Factor.  The Story: Rahne decide's to go to church and meets Shatterstar along the way and they have a bit of a chat, a run in with a demon and Feral joins them at the end.  The Good: PAD is just greta at making two characters and make it feel like the most natural thing in the world. Star and Rahne needed a good heart to heart and they get a great one and we do see a gentler side with Star and a homeless guy. The demon taking the form of a younger Rahne and killing everybody in ...

      2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

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