gmanfromheck's Witchblade/Devi #1 review

    Avatar image for gmanfromheck

    Witchblade and who?

    Let me start off by saying I really don't know much about the Virgin Comics characters. I know a bit about the company and their philosophy, it's a great thing. I'd like to know more about their comics but my local comic shop doesn't really carry their titles and the company itself never got back to me when I tried contacting them to promote their stuff here.

    So thanks to Top Cow and Witchblade I got my first introduction to Devi. She seems like an interesting character and from what I've seen in this issue, this team-up makes sense as the two seem to be similar in certain ways.

    So why only three and half stars? There were certain things that bothered me. I guess the first thing is how the "team-up" is set up. A New York cop getting flown out to India? How often does that happen? Is it in the budget? Ron Marz did a good job with the writing just as he's been doing on Witchblade's title now. The art seemed a little...inconsistent. Some pages looked so lovely while others sometimes felt a little rushed. Not really dramatically rushed but just felt a little off. But there were some nice scenes.

    So how does the first meeting between Witchblade and Devi go? I'll let you take a guess. I wonder how this story will end. I also wonder if I'll get a chance to read it.

    If you're a fan of either character, you'll enjoy this. If you're a fan of both, what more could you ask for?

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