djotaku's Uncanny X-Men #1 - Everything is Sinister review

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    Good, but not as good as the other team

    So here we are after Schism. I think this is going to turn out to be a highly personal thing, but I found Wolverine And the X-men to be a better #1. You can't help but compare the two as they've come out back to back. I enjoyed not just the writing and art on Wolverine, but also the subject matter. Wolverine was about the school. Uncanny is an action book. (At least this issue is)

    In this issue, Cyclops sets up an "Extinction Team" which is basically his para-military to deal with the new Sentinel threat. This team is then deployed in this week's concurrent X-Men #20. So I'm not 100% sure of the need for two action books. Especially depending on what Astonishing (another team Cyke book) focuses on post-Schism. Overall, it was a story with good action without too much going on. The feel I had with the team Cyclops books this month was that they were going to maybe start using their multitude of X-books in the way I think they should be used - branching off the main story. So Uncanny sets up stories that spin off into X-Men, New Mutants, and other team Cyke books. Kinda like an event and its minis. If the story is interesting, you collect the other book. Otherwise you just ignore it.

    It's funny because this week I'm also reading the 20th Anniversary re-release of X-Men Vol 2 #1 and they both use combat as a way to introduce the reader to the characters and their powers. Interestingly, Wolverine and the X-Men didn't really take that route.

    One last thing - I only ever saw Sinister in the 1994 cartoon and I've read about him here on Comic Vine. So I don't know if he always dressed like this, but his victorian clothes and pimp cane are an awesome touch.

    Interesting things are happening with the Uncanny X-Men - check it out to see if you care.

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