bumpyboo's The Sandman Presents: The Thessaliad #4 - Part 4: Soul Food or So Much for Clever Hidden Plans review

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    This issue is incredible.

    It truly is. Here we get to see Thessaly's violent streak, as she unleashes bloody vengeance. That's right. In this series finale, Thess gets even. The lucky ones die. We also get to see where Fetch's loyalty really lies.

    A lot has been said of Thessaly's cold character, but I have to say that I didn't really get that from her. I saw her as sharp, intelligent, rational, and a little detached. It is not that she is incapable of feeling, merely that this is not what drives her. She is focused, and willing to go to extreme lengths in pursuit of her goals. But honestly, she does what is necessary - no more, no less. She just isn't a typical female character, as she is not ruled by her emotions.

    This was a breath of fresh air, as a female reader. Thessaly solves things logically, relies on herself, and while she could use Fetch's fondness of her to get what she wants, she never does. Thess is not wired that way. I loved reading about her, and I can't wait to see more.

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    This series was a really welcome change, and so was the protagonist. My days as a Thessaly fangirl have just begun.

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