darkdetective27's Shaman King #1 - A Shaman in Tokyo review

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    The Road to becoming a Shaman King has begun

    I normally dont read manga, but I decided to read this on the recomendation from a friend. Going in I really didnt know what to expect. To my delight this series was really good and dare I say it incredible. It begins with Manta an overachieving student who on one night sees a kid in the cemetary who he believes is a ghost kid. Though he soon finds out that this kid isnt a ghost, but rather a shaman. This shaman introduces himself as Yoh and the world of shamans. I think this does a really good job of laying down the seeds for the series to later blossom as it goes on. It does a good job of introducing several key characters and establishing the world. It is also pretty straight forward and not too hard to follow. The series has a nice supernatural and traditional Japan feel to it. I really like how the characters feel really approachable and relatable while also having that over expression of emotion I comonly associate with Japanese media. There are also many cool action sequences that I really liked. The only weakness I have found with the series is the art. It seems very cartoonish and disproportianate and sloppy in some areas. Other than that I cant find any flaws with this volume and the series as a whole. I would highly recommend checking out this series as it is very good. It has great characters and an interesting premise. You should definitely check it out as it offers readers a lot to keep them entertained and gets better as time goes on.

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