
    The Punisher #2

    The Punisher » The Punisher #2 - Punisher: Two released by Marvel on October 1, 2011.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Average score of 5 user reviews

    Shooting a Woman in the Back. This Punisher Is Serious. 0

    The body count rises in the second issue of Punisher's new ongoing series by Greg Rucka and Marco Checchetto, who prove without a doubt that they get the character of Frank Castle. This is the Punisher in the Marvel Universe without excuses, without apology and without compromise.   Rucka and Checchetto continue with their silent Punisher for another issue to great effect. This works so well because there is really nothing here that Punisher needs to say. Frank Castle does not really banter. Thi...

    8 out of 9 found this review helpful.

    This is a MAX issue that is not labeled as a MAX issue. 0

    Well this issue picks up right were the last issue left off. With the exchange figuring out precisely why the Punisher did what he did. I found this to be quite refreshing since most of the groups the Punisher goes against tend to be rather dumb with the exception of the leader and maybe a few others. Gone is the old Italian American mafia families that the Punisher has been dealing with since he was first created. They are not replaced with the typical Russian Mafia, Triads, minority street gan...

    4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

    This is The Punisher that I like! Brilliant, well-rounded issue! 0

    I was impressed with the first issue of Greg Rucka's "The Punisher" but felt a little shorted. The main story seemed brief in order to include a fun but not as satisfying second story. I really wanted more. Well, I certainly got it in "The Punisher" #2. This is brilliant issue that shows off Rucka's ability to capture the crime story vibe in his writing while expanding his take on The Punisher character. There's no more Punisher driving downtown in broad daylight in an ice cream truck with rock...

    4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

    The Old Dog vs. The New Breed 5

    Frank uses Malloy to track down The Exchange but the new kids on the block have plans of their own for The Punisher.    The Good I've got to start by saying that Marco Checchetto's art is absolutely breathtaking on this book. He has such a unique style that really stands out among Marvel's books. And Hollingsworth doing colors on this book is a great move. I've been loving his work on Max, but he gives both books totally separate identities. These two combine to give a wholly new, appropriately ...

    6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

    Now I see where this is headed... 0


    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

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