liberty's The Huntress #6 - The silence is broken review

    Avatar image for liberty

    Just what I was waiting for.

    This was a wonderful book and it was just what I was waiting for as far as the story goes.  This is the issue where all the pieces come together for Huntress on who killed her family and why.  Everything is here.  Cold mafia style story with a struggle on being a hero.  This issue only has four characters and the simplicity is delightful.  The characters came to life in this issue like they haven't up until now.  There is even an interesting conclusion that make me want to read on to the next big adventure  The strong negative in this book was the art.  It is good just not my style and I didn't consciously mark down for it.  I think this story is great and would recommend it for anyone who can enjoy a PG-13 rating.  I gave the book a solid eight out of ten or four out of five stars.  I hope you enjoy it.


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