dan6433's The Flash: Rebirth #1 - Lightning Strikes Twice review

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    Get reacquainted with Barry Allen

    This somewhat tedious reintroduction to Barry Allen as the Flash seems a laborious read at times. The issue thankfully has enough mystery, clever humor, and genuine drama between the scenes of forced nostalgia that it makes up for Flash: Rebirth #1's few shortcomings. From the violent opening act to Bart's indignation toward his grandfather's return to Barry being dumbfounded by the modern public's "speed", there are some very noteworthy scenes in "Lightning Strikes Twice." Van Sciver's art is beautiful, too, but you can catch a movie-esque inconsistency during the Hal Jordan and Barry reunion scene where Barry's shirt inexplicably changes colors from one page to the next.

    Also, the ending of this first issue really leaves you wondering, "What the heck is going on with the Speed Force?" I have a feeling the coming chapters of this story are going to be much more interesting. Pick up this issue to acquaint yourself with the new story arc, because things are really going to heat up.

    Other reviews for The Flash: Rebirth #1 - Lightning Strikes Twice

      Nobody's Non-Video Review of The Flash: Rebirth #1 0

      So when I heard about this title months ago, I put it on my pull list as soon as I could. I will be honest with you, I haven't read many titles with Barry in them. He was long dead before I started reading comic books, so a chance to read up on one of the greats was exciting.So as for the story, Barry is back. People want to throw parties and parades for him and such. Yada yada. Nothing to exciting, a bunch of talk about how great he was, etc. Hal Jordan finds Barry at the Flash Museum and they ...

      7 out of 7 found this review helpful.

      Pick of the week! 0

      When I first heard Van Sciver dropped off of Blackest Night, I was pissed. then I heard he was doing this book, and I was excited once more. If you love the Flash mantle, you'll love this book. If you don't know too much about the Flash, or you're not sure about him, you'll love this book. Most readers today aren't entirely too familiar with Barry Allen. Or as I call him, CSI: Barry Allen. This issue is a lot more about Barry dealing with being back and being a part from the Speed Force more tha...

      10 out of 11 found this review helpful.

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