sir_duke's The Flash #6 - Case One: The Dastardly Death of the Rouges Part Six review

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    Slow and Steady-at the Speed of Light

    The Good  
    You know what may be one of the hardest parts of comic book writing?  Creating villains.  Comic books have some of the most iconic villains of all time: Joker, Lex Luthor, Green Goblin, etc etc.  But for every Dr. Doom and Sinestro, there are countless villains that will show up for an issue or an arc, and never be remembered.  Never be seen again.  In the new Top, Geoff Johns has created a villain I believe will last through the decades.  Top walks that precious line between threatening and sympathetic.  He wants nothing more than to uphold justice, to be a hero.  But as has been so masterfully set up in the previous five issues, 25th Century justice is warped.  He wasn't brought down by the Flash, or by his own sins, but by the very system he wants to uphold.  Put in his situation, I can't imagine anyone not sympathizing with Top.  Before this issue, Top has no grudge against Barry and Iris Allen.  In fact, he's convinced he can fix everything.  By the end of the issue though?  He's lost everything he ever stood for, and all that's left is a villain I think will stand among the all time greats.    
    The issue also promises the road to Flashpoint is quickly approaching.  Johns also connects many different elements to the event.  Wonder Woman's (so far disastrous) reboot, Batman bouncing through time, Brightest Day shennanigans, Johns is clearly on track to make the Flash the center of the DCU in coming years.
    Art.  Francis Manipul.  That's all that needs to be said. 
    The Bad 
    I can't travel forward in time to pick up future issues.  Honestly, the only bad lies in the future.  Francis Manipul is taking a break before the next arc and the next issue is a spot light feature on Captain Boomerang.  It's not so much that one of the lamest villains ever is getting a spotlight issue, but that this amazing book is going to make me wait an extra month before the next arc. 
    Rating 5/5 

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