
    Sword of the Atom #4

    Sword of the Atom » Sword of the Atom #4 - Book Four: Look Homeward, Atom released by DC Comics on December 1983.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Average score of 2 user reviews

    Big Things. Mini Series. 0

    The climatic conclusion to Atom and the Sword is a great story all the way up until the last four pages. The story of the people surrounding the city of Morlaidh is great. The art is great as well. It is just the ending that sucked. The whole series has been this way. The story starts out in a forced way through adultery and have baked adventure. It took quite a lot just to get Atom involved in the main storyline. Then the ending didn't seem right. The thing is Atom sees his wife k...

    3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

    Back to size 1

    This issue verged on being good but ended up being mostly just above average.  The problem was not so much the main plot, as the reimagining of the Atom as a barbarian warrior was a pretty interesting one, and the assault on Morlaidn led to some good action.  The main problem is that the series, after going with one genre almost throughout, switches back to just regular Justice League Atom at the end, thus sort of nullifying the cool concept (with so many other conceived barbarian worlds, why no...

    4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

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