
    Skyman #1

    Skyman » Skyman #1 released by Dark Horse Comics on January 2014.

    ryonslaught's Skyman #1 review

    Avatar image for ryonslaught

    Smooth flight!

    The Good

    Cover- Smooth, slick and hot are the best words to describe Skyman #1 illustrated by Freddie Williams II and Dan Scott. It is worlds above the interior colors and art that much is for sure!

    Interior Art- Manuel Garcia’s art is distinctive and they are complimented by the deep dark pen lines of ‘Bit’. The contrast of the deep darkness of these inks really allows the colors by Marta Martinez to bring Manuel’s art to glorious life.

    Story- Talk about opening with a bang! We get an Aryan soldier spout off racist garbage after killing a black man and exposing the Skyman program and taped. This video goes viral on the internet. The program then bypasses the men who have been training since forever to be Skyman and use affirmative action to fix their problem. That man is Eric Reid. What unfolds is exploration of how the way the government treats soldiers as ‘property’ the impact of ‘affirmative action’ and the very real case of ever-present racism.

    What’s Really Going on- With this issue the author has touched on affirmative action. Why are Black Heroes necessary? And most of all they expose to those who turn a blind eye even today that racism still exist in the United States regardless of Barack Obama being president of the Unites States. It did not disappear overnight. This book exposes the reality of having a black friend or a token black hero used as a ‘reason’ that you’re not racist is BS, straight up and down. This book throws it in your face by talking about it, exposing it and provoking (hopefully) thought about those realities.

    Buy it- They love to say black books don’t sell so put your wallet where your mouth is! Buy it Here.

    The Bad

    Déjà vu- It may be bad on my part since I was just looking over my biography of M.A.N.T.I.S but there are a few similarities here and there which I’m sure some will not like.

    Name- Skyman is a totally lame superhero name. I’m sorry it just is.

    Consistency- The art was not as consistent or as tight as I would have liked. Manuel Garcia needs to tighten things up for later issues.

    The Ugly

    Joshua Hale Fialkov and Dark Horse comics Skyman is the slap in the face the industry needed. Skyman #1 is a wake up call of thought-provoking situations meshed with heroics in just the right way. Pure gold! A sure-fire hit! Skyman starts 2014 with a bang! 4/5


    Other reviews for Skyman #1

      Up,up and away or maybe not 0

      Skyman is the new series from Dark Horse that got me interested.In the preview the book seemed alright,Fialkov was the writer of the book which is one of the things that got me hooked about it.Fialkov has actually never impressed me with anything he's written but it is always kind of fun to read it.It may not be good but it is some entertainment and you lose that free time that bores you to death but this book got some charm that seemed like it would be something more from mere entertainment bu...

      6 out of 8 found this review helpful.

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