razzatazz's Red Hood and the Outlaws #1 - I Fought the Law and Kicked its Butt review

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    Not from around here

    Thus far at DC in the new 52 various characters have gotten a revamp and have often done so after a sort of theme.  In my opinion they have tried at times to either copy what works at Marvel, or tried to head off into a sub-genre of pop culture.  This sub-genre is what we get here, but the sub-genre which they seem to be emulating here is the Victoria's Secret fashion show watching college frat boy.  The plot here is kind of transparent, as a large portion of it seems to be focused on either the nearly naked Starfire, or the attempt to get her into bed (or talking about having been with her in bed.)  There is so much gratuitous skin here that this feels more like reading a copy of Maxim than it does a comic.  It is a shame too, because when a story actually creeped in here it seemed all right, a mysterious character from Jason's past needs help to go to a place he swore not to go back to.  The rescue attempt to start the issue was decent as well, though it suffered by descending into the "Starfire as sex object" theme pretty quickly.  Seriously though for anyone thinking about buying this issue they might instead switch on the Lingerie Football League or Girls Gone Wild.  Those somehow seem to have more depth than this issue.  

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    Other reviews for Red Hood and the Outlaws #1 - I Fought the Law and Kicked its Butt

      The Art Was Great... 0

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      Yes...I willingly read a story featuring Jason Todd 0

      Red Hood is busy putting together his team of mercs when his complicated past inserts itself into his present.The GoodI really liked the art in this book and many of the design changes didn't bother me at all.There was a lot of action in this issue and that looks to be the status quo from here on out.There was some genuinely humorous banter between Jason and Roy.This book clears up some of the things about Titans continuity I was wondering about.The BadDon't like Jason's new mask...seriously hel...

      9 out of 10 found this review helpful.

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