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the S.W.O.R.D. in my book

Strategic Weaponized Operations Regiment Department (SWORD) was created by Haseo Yashimora in 8705 A. E. SWORDS main goal is to combined all the Alliance Federation of Planets navy,marine and anti-immortal special forces into one singal entity, hence SWORD was born. SWORD is based on the new AFOP capital planet, "New Zenitaia" being its main military force planet side. SWORD comes with the best gear the AFOP has,

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first the soldier. being the most skilled in the art of war and killing, every SWORD soldier would make every Earth spec ops look like shit, each warrior being a war veteran and a highly intelligent straightest, a singal SWORD soldier can take out an army of SAS and/or US delta force marines! the body armor they carry is higly advanced self replicated nanite armor that is 100% ballistic proof and mostly plasma proof. the head armor the soldiers wear has a built in Heads Up Display or HUD that comes with a built in 150m sensor system and a "all seeing eye" optics witch allows the user to see heat,night,x-ray and heart beat vision, giving the soldiers an extreme edge on all terrain.

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SWORD infantries main assault rifle, the X-L20 is a highly advanced plasma based semi automatic machine gun that has the equivalent stopping power of the main gun of a armored personnel carriers 100mm cannon at full auto mode. the X-L20 has a mix of plasma and kinetic projectile ammunition and can fire 80 times before reloading. the 7.0x zoom scope is built into the gun, and can not be detached.

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SWORDs armored personnel carrier the "jackrabbit" is a lot like American hummers used in the military, but with 5x more armor, faster and a remote controlled mounted turret. the jackrabbit can go 100 MPH on an open area and can go days without refueling. its remote controlled 50mm cannon has the same stopping power as the MK 103 mit vorders -u hinteres lager. the jackrabbit can hold 1 driver, 1 gunner and 3 passengers.

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SWORDs most advance piece of technology it happened to be there "firefly" gunships. instead of wings it uses two circular engines that rotate and drive the ship. The bubble cockpit also moves 180 degrees where the driver can not only shoot but drive at the same time. its 2 dual mounted laser cannons have the equivalent firepower as 4 Apache attack helicopters and can reach jet speeds of moc 4. (will add more)

SWORD HQ (under construction)

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