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Magic Proficiency: Ivana Mankhan

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Magic is dumb. I was an A+ class witch back in the realm. Here in Outer World? Stupid Magic decided it didn't want to work here because magic spells of the realm only manipulated an omnipresent and non-exhausting reserve of Mana that belongs to the Master. So, I had to learn magic from scratch.

I won't say I enjoyed it, but what choice did I have? Fortunately, the Academy had people who taught magic. Outer World wasn't totally useless in this regard. And they had a wide variety of magic systems that I could learn.

Given my affinity with the Dark Celestial host, and my natural ability to manipulate the four elements, I, of course, went for something that could become an extension of my natural abilities. That is to say, I decided to take the Elemental Magic as a major. Elemental Magic at its basic taught how to conjure elements, which was something I could do naturally. The Advanced level taught me how to merge elements and create completely new ones, such as Earth + Fire = Metal, Water + Wind = Weather Manipulation etc. The Expert Level concerned the forging of elements into Various shapes, whilst the Master stage involved bringing life to Elements. In other words, the art of Golem making.

I had already mastered the basic stage, which allowed me to immediately move to the advanced stage. I had an advantage over Outer Worlders. Using my clan's secret arts, I could conjure hundreds of different variants of basic elements, such as Green Fire, Blue Fire, Red Fire & Black Fire. This is what gave me an edge in terms of element manipulation over others.

I must show this to James! A concoction of Hell Flames and Earth Flames resulted in a Purple Black Flame that burned even hotter than the sun.