
ah, Wednesday is around the corner, I can almost smell the next line of comics. Oh, what a day.. What a lovely day!

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Troubles with Marvel

So safe to say I'm having slight troubles with Marvel and I'm hoping the aftermath of Secret Wars will set me back in course with what to do.

The problem I'm having is I have no clue what to read because I don't know what is going to change/disappear in the upcoming future. Nor am I up to date with everything going on. Marvel has always managed to confuse me that way. When Marvel NOW! kicked off I actually managed to read quite a bit (start at least) but then lost track and now it feels as though I am light years behind with no clue what's going on. Which as an avid comic book reader is just about one of the most frustrating situations you can be in. It's like trying catch up on everything Bronze Age Superman just before New 52, yeah good luck there buddy.

Like I said, hopefully I can jump right back in after Secret Wars with the 8 months jump but if anyone has some "digestion" reads to recommend or something you can easily get caught up in and understand please let me know, would appreciate it a ton!