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Modern Society, prisons & Anthropology

Many of us have heard the Quote: "We can judge society by their prisons". I always have that in the back of my mind whenever i go out and see various people running around me. i tend to desocialize myself from them all, i have been doing it since i can remember and its gotten worse since i have traveled and seen 3rd world nations.

I tend to equate the random person i see in society as just an animal no different then those i see in zoos or on discovery channel. Many people see certain behavior to be criminal or uncivilized but i often ask myself that the person is simply being true to one self.

I can understand that some people say that they are not animals and take offense when one is compared to one, then why is every society or culture have some type of similarity and behavior to those of other animal societies, from your common rat to an animal that many believe we are similar to such as the great ape.

I sometimes see Bums Salvaging and scurrying and running into alleys, i see young kids Running around and raising their voice and puffing their chest to another similar aged kid or adult. i then turn around and see a oversize Cop drinking his Coffee and eating his donuts with the assurance and Dominance that can only come from the uniform and Badge but not his own natural Physical dominance that would be given to him by genetics. the cop walking around like the Beta male that he is when the Alpha male is not around.

It bothers me to hear people constantly saying they are not animals they are civilized and are spiritual and supposedly follow some religious or ethical code but all i see is a lie and ignoring of said beliefs.

i then think about the prisons and inmates and how they are treated by supposed enlighten, spiritual and advanced society as nothing more then hypocrisy by the general population. If people actually considered themselves an advance society morally, ethically and legally they would not allow certain behavior outside and within the prison's walls to occur. The prisons serve as a way of shunning and removing unwanted members from the general population/tribe.

i have no problem with that since it is normal but what i do not think is normal is to shun and remove some one who does drugs, steals and murders but turn around and the rest of the society by silent consent to allow crimes to be committed on the criminals but not care justifying it by saying: b/c it is happening to someone they consider to be a criminal and there for deserve it and not so abhorrent .

I find society, laws and ethics more often then not to be a farce a complete and utter joke that are ignored by those in power or authority for their own convenience only applied when it suits them.

Justice isnt impartial as the statue of Blind Lady Justice would have us believe, We as a whole are just very ignorant children running around pretending to know better. the danger of it is that the Laws of Nature have bn overturned by Society. where the pedestrian crime can result in losing one's life and freedom but a Politician, or respected member of society can walk out of court pronounced innocent with a smile on his face and having the highest negative impact on the society as a whole...

To me society is like an insane asylum being run by the inmates. The weak pass judgment on the strong or are ignored or treated like second class citizens, the coward is the authority the courages are imprisoned
The Judge is more a criminal with their own agenda beyond justice and no one cares or questions them in a society where democracy supposedly rules...

I know it is long i am just vending, here are the Questions:

How do you view society in general in comparison to the animal kingdom like the Great Apes, Wolves and various other animals?

Do you think Society as a whole is more consciously evolved as the Social Laws, moral, or business ethics and supposed Religious preference would have them be?

Do you see Human Society to be hypocritical in its applications of laws and rules?

What is your opinion on our society if you were an Anthropologist and studying our culture what would you see?

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