the_angry_comic_book_critic's Paul Jenkins' Sidekick #1 review

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    By The Angry Comic Book Critic
             Sidekicks are one of the backbones of the super hero genre they have there partners back at all times ready to put there asses on the line to save the day Batman and Robin, Captain America and Bucky, Human Torch and Toro all great teams who have left their marks on comic history unfortunately the dynamic duo of Superior boy and Excellent man isn't one of them. This comic is pure unadulterated bullshit with an extra topping of corn I have never before seen a couple of characters more obnoxious since I met Joe Quesada these guys are the pits I'll get into that a little later for now I'm going to go over the story if you can call it that.
                It all begins with Superior lad working his day job as a pizza boy delivering a torpedo special...sound like something you get with a male stripper which would have explained a lot considering how stupid his costume is. Then we Meet Excellent man or as I like to call him Super Douche cause goddamn he is so fucking annoying the man causes more damage than the Hulk on crack and has the IQ of a walnut. I'm serious the man is so stupid he can't even figure out Superior Lad is boning his wife. The artwork is stupid and generic, the story is uninspired and is a waste of paper so to anyone who bought this book I urge you do us all a favor and use it as toilet paper save us all the trouble. I'm The Angry comic book critic  and this crap was so bad I couldn't even bring myself to finish it just stopped half way in and Decoy Elliot was right when he said he wanted to punch this comic. Me I want to do something much, much worse but I'll keep the details to myself as they would only frighten you dear reader....It involves a samurai sword and a fire cracker nuff said 

    Other reviews for Paul Jenkins' Sidekick #1

      Sidekick Review 0

      I really shouldn't be complaining about this comic, I mean I read it for free on Image Comics website I didn't have to pay for it so why do I care? But it's just so bad, seriously I've read a lot of stupid stuff but this comic is just horrid. The main character is one of the most unlikeable characters I've ever read, I wanted to punch him in the face every time he spoke (which was constantly due to his monologue). All the other characters in this comic are either idiots are just annoying jerks l...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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