
    Özcan Eralp

    Person » Özcan Eralp is credited in 17 issues.

    Short summary describing this person.

    Özcan Eralp last edited by wnpoland on 11/20/19 06:19PM View full history

    Eralp had been working as an illustrator since the 1960's, and came to Sweden in 1967 to visit a brother. He soon got job with publisher Semic Press as a studio artist, initially to work with the comic title Lilla Fridolf. From 1968—69 he was creating additional art for Italian Phantom stories from Fratelli Spada that were published in Fantomen at the time.

    In 1970 he finally got the chance to draw a complete Phantom story. In the beginning many of the stories he drew were remakes of newspaper strip stories originally made by Lee Falk, Ray Moore and Wilson McCoy. Eralp also wrote some of his own stories.

    In 1971, Eralp moved back to Turkey but continued to work as a Phantom artist. In 1976–1979 and 1986–1988 he frequently collaborated with Bertil Wilhelmsson. Eralp's final Phantom story was published in 1991.

    Besides his work on the Phantom, Eralp has also produced cartoons.


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