carnivalofsins00's New Avengers #12 - Infinity, Part 4 Secrets review

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    New Avengers #12


    Other reviews for New Avengers #12 - Infinity, Part 4 Secrets

      Red Skull Herring 0

      Mockingbird continues to fight for her life in an operating room while a flashback of Nick Fury's first Avengers in 1959 continues where they are in the process of hunting down the Red Skull. The Good The different art styles between Deodato and Chaykin really do a nice job of making a pointed difference between the two time periods this book takes place in, especially since this is the fourth issue in a row where they’ve been going back and forth with these flashbacks to Fury’s 1959 Avengers....

      2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

      please let Gage or Spencer write this series 0

      The Avengers line has been so disappointing lately. All except Avengers Academy, which seems to exist in its only little pocket Avengers universe. If it were up to me, that book could go on forever. Gage really knows how to write a team book. Bendis on the other hand… something is lacking from his Avengers books. He used to be the guy at Marvel. If his name was on the cover, it was golden. Now though, he’s attempting a style in his writing, this half present day/half flashback with New Avengers,...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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